A Western Woman

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She wears turquoise rings
And she has 9 pocket knives
In a bowl on her dresser

She told me her dog
Is named after a fancy rope
I thought her
Name meant Pasta

She dyed the ends of her hair pink
And on anyone else
It might look edgy
But on her it reminds me
Of wildflowers
On the side of an old
Forgotten highway
A highway with red dirt
And tumbleweeds that roll
When you speed

She does her Bible studies
On the back porch
That way she can watch the horses
As she talks to the Lord

I think it's beautiful
So western
So peaceful
How it used to be

She says she has an old soul
Because she was born to older parents
I think that may be true
But I also think
That maybe
She was just born a gunslinger
In the wrong generation


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