Razors and Prom

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(*trigger warning for cutting*)

I have been handed razors
Twice in my 17 years of life
This may seem
Like nothing of consequence
To you
Afterall, what is a razor blade?
It is a mere instrument
Used to shave away
The hair that grows.
But you see
I have been handed razor blades
Twice in my short life
On this planet
By friends
Who did not
Use their razor blades
To shave away hair that grows
But instead to cut away
The life within themselves

If you still do not understand
What I am telling you
Let me be so bold
As to say it plainly
Twice in my life
I have been handed
Razor blades
By friends
Who have have used
Their razors
To slice open their
Own wrists
And drain their blood
And pain

I have also
Held a stranger
In the women's bathroom
At prom
While she sobbed her mascara away
To this day
I don't know why she cried as she did
All I know is that she needed a hug
So I hugged her
And I told her it was going to be okay
...I hope whatever it was
That troubled her so
Is actually okay now

What I'm trying to say here
Is that
I have met
And I have loved
So many sad people
In my short lifetime
And to this day
I do not know
If anything I've done:
Extending my palm
Asking to take away a razor,
Extending my arms,
Offering a hug,
Has helped.
And it's possible
That I will never know
If my actions have helped
The broken people I have met

But I do know this
I know that if I had held a blade
Against my own wrist
I would be desperate for a friend
To extend their hand
And offer to take my razor from me
And I know
That if I were alone
Sobbing in a bathroom at prom
I would want to be held
Even by a stranger.

So dear readers,
I am asking you,
Not only on account of those
I've met who have hurt,
But also on account of myself,
And the times I have hurt,
Please start caring
Please be kind
If you meet a stranger sobbing
Please be kind to them
Hold them if they let you
Pray for them if you can
Be as kind as possible
If you notice your friend has cuts
Offer them a bandage
Show them you care
Ask if you can help
Or if you can take their razor away
Be kind
Be gentle
Be loving
Please start caring
Because there are so many sad
And very broken people in this world
And they need you to start caring,


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