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~Video by Meltberry~

Chapter 28- Goodbye


The skeleton sighed, he looked at his husband who stared at him with worry. Killer turned his skull towards the human and the skeletons accompanying them.

The human's wrists were tightened almost as if it could've cut through the skin, wired like the marionette puppet. Chara observed, looking at the foolish skeletons. All of them were staring with pity, and shame...they hated it and jerked their head away, but with a glance they saw the tar covered skeletons.

"Tch...you two? All of you skeletons are the same." Chara muttered, as they stared at the tar covered skeletons. The tall skeletons only stared at the child...with pity, their eye-sockets only had pity for the human and this made the child feel deflated. "...All of you are the same."

"Error!" Error turned around and raised his eye-socket, and found the black eye-ed skeleton speed walking towards him and the protector.

"What..?" Error sighed and crossed his arms.

"I..." Killer then glanced towards the kid, who didn't even look at the skeleton in-front of them. "...I need to speak to Chara." He finally finished.

The human tched quietly, and turned their head away more. Error glanced towards the human and shook his skull. "I don't think they would want to speak to you."

"Error please, it's important." The black teared stained skeleton pleaded, and the glitching skeleton rolled his eye-sockets. Error then looked at the human and glared at the corpse-like living human and nudged the strings that were attached to Chara.

"...What do you want?." Chara whispered, and huffed like a lion as they finally faced the skeleton. But stood as still as a statue as they saw the expression upon the empty eyes.

"Kiddo...I'm sorry." The skeleton paused, and the human infront of him continued to blink. Killer kneeled down in-front of them and held a sorrowful expression, that stared with pity at the human.

"Countless resets, like you were glued and forged to me....I..." He took a moment and inhaled, then exhaled. "...It was my fault."

"Exactly...it was your fault...and Outer's none of this would've happened if you-"

"If I didn't kill you? Was that what you were going to say...?" Killer asked, and they gritted their teeth shut tightly, as if they were a growling carnivore. "...Pretty shitty huh?" He chuckled quietly. "But, you didn't deserve to be dragged into all of it..."

"...Sans...?" Killer then perked his skull towards the human, their body was trembling and shaking within the grips of the threads.

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