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"Are you avoiding me because of last night?"

She froze for about 3 seconds then chuckled dismissively "Why would you even think that?"

"Because you went to work today and honestly, it feels like you are deliberately making yourself scarce" He shrugged.

"What's wrong with me going to work today? How did you even know about that? What is this, you are monitoring me now?" She snapped, visibly irritated.

"Okay first off you yourself told me that you get at least a week off after working on the rig but I saw your WhatsApp status and you were at work, No I am not monitoring you" He answered all 3 questions firmly.

During her time offshore, they talked a lot in their chats and she told him a lot of stuff about her work, her daily schedule because he always asked about it. She forgot she mentioned that bit to him. She quickly made a mental note to cut down the information she gives him. As for the WhatsApp she shared a selfie of herself earlier to let people know she was back. She didn't know he was active on WhatsApp like that.

"So....you think I am avoiding you because we had sex, ordinary sex?" She said mustering up all the strength and courage she needed to sway him off the topic before her mind starts travelling to last night.

"You tell me TY because this is exactly how you acted the first time. It is confusing because you make it look like.....you make me feel like I have done something wrong" He looked serious for a change.

"You want me to say thank you?" She joked.

"Well that's better than acting like it was a complete mistake that you regret"

She emptied the sizzling noodles onto a dish and pushed it towards him "Osaze, what's your point?"

"My point is..." He paused and for a second she thought she had succeeded in shutting him down. He grabbed a fork from the counter then suddenly blurted;

"Stop acting like I forced you when it was you who kissed me first!"

Her jaw dropped and she busted in to a fit of laughter. "Okay sorry I kissed you first. Can I go and sleep now?"

"No, how about we update the house rules with my own demands?" He said.

She laughed hard again. "See me see trouble"

"Yeah, squatters have rights too" He said as he started eating his noodles.

"Okay go ahead" She was curious.

"No touching, kissing or sex" The last one was almost a whisper he was looking her in the eye anxious for her reaction but she was ready for him this night she just nodded and shrugged.

"Okay, what else?"

"Do not come into my room and I won't go to yours" She chuckled because he was the one that carried her to his room yesterday but still nodded in agreement.

He looked like he was thinking about more rules but couldn't come up with any. Lol.

"Is that all? my honorable squatter." She smiled at him sweetly.

"For now" At this point he was fully engrossed in the noodles, it was the noodles that distracted him last last.

"Fine I'll update the rules. Goodnight" She said as she headed for the door.

"Thanks for helping out with the noodles!" He called out after her but she ignored him.

When she got back to her room she chuckled at how cute and funny he kept the conversation. She actually liked his frankness, he is an open book and she respected that. Respected it from a far because she'd rather die than let him know she couldn't control herself around him.

Fifteen minutes back into the series she slept off.

That week he threw himself into his work, coding for extra-long hours. They were in the same house but he only saw her like once a day and that was because he had to come out to receive his food delivery or take a walk outside.

On Friday night she went out with her girls and it was getting really late. He was worried... a little. He knew she was probably fine and having a good time with her friends but it was past 1 am, he couldn't help it. He was tempted to call or even text her but he didn't want her to feel like he was suffocating her. She already accused him of 'monitoring' her the other day and to be honest he felt a little bit embarrassed even though he didn't show it. He didn't want to be THAT guy ruining her vibe.

He tried to focus again but the thought of her meeting someone else completely ruined his own vibe and he couldn't focus on his coding so he went to the living room to watch TV.

It was almost 3am when he heard the door lock beeping. Someone was struggling to open it with wrong passcodes. He checked the camera and saw her struggling with the lock, he didn't open it immediately instead he stood there watching her, admiring the cute little frowns that formed on her face every time the lock defied her wrong passcode. At some point, she started talking to the door, threatening to fight it. She took off her earrings and shoes, placed them on the floor together with her purse then raised her fists to fight the door.

He decided to open it for her. He knew she was really going to punch the door and he didn't want her to get hurt. He knows what she's like when she's drunk.

Immediately he opened it she picked up only her purse and wobbled to her room. She was wearing only one pair of her high heel sandals. She didn't even notice him standing there. Her dress was a simple peach silk slip dress but she made it look very elegant and runway ready. Peach must be her favorite colour he thought.

She left the second pair of the heel together with the earrings outside on the floor so he took them to her room. She was already passed out on her bed when he got there such a lightweight drinker. He dropped the items on her dresser then helped her remove the second sandal carefully handling her smooth delicate feet as if it was some fragile and sacred sculpture. He pulled her blanket over her and tucked her in with a big smile on his face as he watched her sleeping peacefully like a baby.

It was at that moment he realized how unsettled he was prior to her return because he felt like a huge burden had been lifted off his shoulders.

The following week she resumed at work and it was super busy for her so they were both very occupied. She didn't see him until Thursday evening. She was working on her laptop when he came into her room. With just his towel wrapped around his waist and a shower gel in his hand.

"My water heater is not working... can I use your bathroom?" He said casually.

She shot him a death glare. "NO"

Guys sorry I missed the Wednesday update I was sick(small), to make up for that i will drop 2 more chapters this weekend.

I'm moving the Friday night updates to Saturday mornings because it is very hard for me to update on Fridays plus most of you read them in the morning anyways.

⬇️⬇️⬇️ Don't forget to vote and comment ;)

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