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"You know, I was supposed to introduce her to my cousin who is based in Abuja" Dare teased him.

Osaze's face dropped. "Isn't she with Gbenga?"

"Who the fuck is Gbenga?" Dare asked looking confused.

"The guy she left me for!" Osaze whined.

"I thought you said you were just friends" Dare said his eyes fixed on him again.

Osaze smiled, looking guilty AF. This Dare is a case.

"Look I don't know the child's play you people were doing but it is clear you're not over her and you still want her even after all these months, I don't know why you're dragging your feet around, are you afraid of commitment or something?" Dare said.

"No I am not, it's just.. The timing wasn't right?" Osaze felt really attacked.

"That didn't stop you two from messing around" Dare raised a brow.

Okay he knows everything.

"you're lucky me and Sofi are on a break, I swear I would have linked her up with my cousin by now" Dare said casually as he topped up their drinks.

"Hey, stop now! what is wrong with you" Osaze opened eyes for him. This Dare is not well.

Dare was drunk already but he still laughed wickedly. "I am just giving you a heads up. Sofi will soon come around and she'll take me back"

"I am just giving her small space for now to understand and wrap her head around what happened, this is a temporary break, were just having some issues" He couldn't hide the sadness in his voice. He sounded like he was trying to convince himself more that he would get back with Sofi very soon.

"What did you do, did you cheat?" Osaze blurted turning the attention on him.

"Cheat? No! Bro I love Sofi, its just...... see its complicated.....Look, I love that woman; she is going to be my wife for sure. I love her more than anything in the world. She knows that more than anyone does. She knows." 

The more he drank the more he rambled about Sofi, about how he felt so helpless, he said she want taking his calls anymore.

Lol. So even him sef is struggling with his relationship and he had the mind to drag him for being slow with Toyin. Anyway he collected Sofi's number from him before leaving.

But he was glad he mentioned her to Dare because speaking to Dare made him realize something. The one thing he picked from Dare's rambling is the 'She knows'

The way he kept on reiterating that he loves Sofi and the way he said it with absolute certainty made him realize how unserious he was Toyin. From their small gist he could see that Dare was afraid of losing Sofi but he was holding on to the hope that she knows that he loves her and she would come back because of that. That was a serious relationship.

Does Toyin know how he feels? He never let her know for real. Truly, he was just messing around. He never gave her that security or made her feel like he could commit completely to her. Therefore, she was justified to seek that security elsewhere.

If Dare is trying to connect her to someone else it means she is not with Gbenga. He smiled as he thought about it but he wanted to talk to Sofi first. Maybe Dare is just drunk and doesn't know shit.

He tried calling Sofi that night but she did not answer. He tried again in the morning and she rejected the call, the next time he tried again, she blocked the number. 

He wanted to get it right this time but he wanted more info, Sofi is her best friend and honestly, he wanted to gauge her squad's sentiment on him before shooting his shot again.

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