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One week later

Toyin was at her desk when she started thinking about him again. Its not like she was completely engulfed by thoughts of him, but her mind just randomly kept on drifting back to him. To the warm little things he did or said during the 3 times they hung out together. His weird sense of humour, those beautiful eyes, the ab- "Thank God he is leaving today" she muttered to herself.

It was Friday already and she had lunch plans with Sofi for 1pm at Bungalows.

She was assigned to a new offshore project at work earlier in the week. Her company just received delivery of a new FPSO vessel for their 5th Deepwater field. She was going to work on the project for 6 months as a process engineer and will be conducting a series of technical studies, risk and HSE assessment before the FPSO starts production in the next 6 months.

She was glad that she was selected for this project, but the project comes with alot of travelling. The last similar one she worked on two years ago had her travelling at least twice a month, spending almost a week on site, but this one is a bigger project and the field is ultradeep, much farther from the coasts of Nigeria so she was already dreading the time she'd have to spend away from her friends and good food.

Which is why she was trying to resuscitated her and Sofi's weekly lunch dates. They used to meet up for lunch at least once a week back in the day but Sofi's company got it's own in house catering at a point so Sofi rarely eats out, but today she said she needed to get away from the toxicity in her office when she called her. Toyin braced herself for fresh hot rants about the big bad boss during lunch.

Immediately she parked at the restaurant's parking lot and stepped out of her car, she noticed a guy who was about to get into a C class benz waving at her trying to get her attention. He looked like he expected her to recognize him but she didn't. He started coming towards her. Who is this one again?

"Urrrm hi" The tone of her greeting conveyed 'do I know you' but she said it with a huge smile not to come off rude. She suspected he was a toaster, she gets them a lot these days thanks to the Range rover; at filling stations, at traffic lights, ShopRite, the car was a just a magnet. However, she didn't rule out the possibility of him really being an acquaintance considering the fact that she was bad with faces because of her shortsightedness.

"You are Osaze's friend, right?" He asked her.

Her heart skipped a beat. The only person that knows of their 'friendship' is Sofi, His gate man and the Indomie mallam. What does this guy know about them? To the extent that he knows her face. Did he record their sexcapade that night? Panic swelled within her as her legs started to feel wobbly she needed to lean on something so she braced herself on her car.

"Yes?" She answered slowly. Immediately she answered she realized he was probably the guy she met that day in his house moving those cartons, so her panic reduced. But damn she only saw him once and it was dark his memory must be eidetic!

He noticed her confusion so he smiled and pointed at the car.

"It's the car. He's the only one with that has that spec in Nigeria, that's how I recognized you"

Confusion galore. When did Osaze ever drive her car that people even know him with it? Her brain was malfunctioning at this point so she choose silence.

"He is leaving today right?" Okay, this guy really knows him, but what was that about the car?

"Yes" She was breathing heavily "Sorry, are you friends with him?" She asked.

"He is my childhood friend" He looked at her carefully again then added "I met you at the Ikoyi house weeks back naw?"

"Oh, Yes!" She nodded. "Sorry I am bad with faces."

Playing HouseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora