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"Babe I need your help," It was Sofi with her wahala again "I just got information that Mr. Madaki is on his way to Aston Gentlemen's club and I want to go there now." She was panting as she spoke.

"Ah ah this night?" Toyin whined. It was Friday, but she just wanted to rest. Work was super hectic, she had mild headache, and she just wanted to watch some movies and sleep.

"Before is it in the morning that people go to club?" Sofi snapped.

Toyin sat up in her couch "No, I mean you're trailing him this night?"

"Well, this is the only lead I have gotten on him after 2 months of digging. So yes, WE are trailing him this night"

Sofi has been fussing about her new CEO, Mr Madaki for weeks now. She ranted about him 80% of the time and to be honest Toyin has never seen her friend this intimidated by another human. What terrified Sofi the most is the fact that she didn't know anything about him. She didn't know his network, his connections or why the Board picked him to replace the former CEO. She wanted to gauge his power in the company before going to war with him. In her last rant, she referenced some quotes from Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War' about the importance of knowing your enemy.

"Okay, I'll drive you" Sofi has done more than be her sidekick and it's her is her job on the line here. Trailing him just to know who his friends are seems pointless but she trusted that her friend knew what she was doing.

They were on their way to the place within 45 minutes. The plan was simple breeze in and out. All she needed to do was recognize at least one person on his table.

The club was a very coded place even Sofi herself didn't know much about it. They walked up to the entrance but they were rudely bounced at the door. The bouncer informed them that 'Ladies are not allowed in without male company.'

Toyin couldn't believe her what just happened. She couldn't believe her powerful BFF just got bounced out of a Lagos club. Also, what kind of misogynistic club is this?

"What are you going to do now?" Toyin asked as she started the car and turned on the AC.

"Toyin, I must enter this club today O." She bit her nails "I'm going to call someone to get us in"

Toyin was not even surprised by her friend's determination. Sofi is a very strong willed person, in fact this big bad new boss better watch his back, Sofi was not one to be messed with for real.

She watched anxiously as Sofi made calls to all her male friends but couldn't get anyone available or close by enough to show up within 30 minutes. Sofi was getting frustrated, slamming the dashboard in annoyance.

"ah ahn, stop slapping my baby naw" Toyin said as she pushed her friend's hand away from the dashboard and this made Sofi laugh taking her mind off her frustration for a minute or two.

"Let me call a friend that lives around here" Toyin blurted out after a minute of silence surprising herself.

She shouldn't be calling up Osaze he was clearly dangerous waters for her, but she told herself they won't be alone, Sofi is here to buffer any situation. She also justified calling him because Sofi must find somthing on this CEO guy today o. She didn't leave her cozy sofa, dress up and drive from Oniru to Ikoyi to fail this mission.

Osaze's neighbourhood is 5 minutes away from their location. She thought as she dialed his number.

"Why would you guys want to spend your money in a place that discriminates against women?" Was the first thing Osaze said when she finished explaining their plight, so she told him the truth. She didn't go into the details but he kinda figured out they were there for a something else.

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