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**NSFW/SMUT WARNING** Major mature content ahead, skip this chapter if you're not an adult O.

She was taking off her jewelry by the dresser as he narrated how he became a groomsman overnight. He was laying on his side propped on one elbow by the fluffy edge of her bed as he narrated the wild Bachelor's eve. "Don't worry I didn't receive any lap dance!"

She just laughed at that and started wiping her face with the makeup remover wipes and he fell silent for a bit. When she finished removing the eyeliner and opened her eyes, their eyes met through the mirror. He was watching her and smiling like a mumu.

"Won't you go and sleep, you look tired" She said to him.

"I want to shower first, come let's shower together"

She shot him her judgmental look. "Just say you want to do it"

"Hey, that's not fair, I just wanna help you. Today has been stressful for you" He said flirtingly.

"Says the guy who hasn't slept for over 36 hours now"

"I am used to it" He shrugged "Plus the fatigue disappeared the moment I saw you strutting your way into the hall earlier today"

"The answer is still No"

"Come on I am not trying to do anything. I promise" He stood up and extended his hand to hers.

Why was he acting as if showering with him was no big deal? Yeah, it shouldn't be a big deal with him since they've done IT but, Toyin felt showering together was much more intimate and that scared her a little. Moreover, she has never tried it before with anyone and it is something she has always wanted to try. However, the idea of doing it with him scared her..... in a good way.

She sha agreed. Halfway through to his room he stopped. "Wait, what are we going to do about your hair?"

See her life she just wanted to experiment without thinking considering the technicalities especially for a black woman, with NATURAL HAIR. Luckily she didn't have braids today. She could blow-dry the hair after. She was not ready to ruin this sexy experiment with shower cap lol.

"Its okay I'll dry it after"

"Are you sure? I don't mind the shower cap. My sister had a lot of those back then in the house" He continued to his room.

When they got to his room. He sharply undressed first then when he saw that she was struggling a little with her zipper he rushed to help her. Standing behind her naked, he pulled the zip slowly down her back. She was wearing a strapless bra inside and a matching panty. After he zipped the dress down he unclipped her bra too.

They stepped into the stall and that was when she realized she also didn't bring her soap. At least his shower gel is a good one and she low key liked the smell.

He washed her hair first, and then while she rinsed it, he quickly lathered himself up. No sponge, Is that how he showers normally? lol! Thank god for hot water. She thought to herself.

After he rinsed himself off, he continued with her back again massaging the lather onto her shoulders and back with light pressure. He went down her bum all the way to her legs then stood up and she turned around to face him. He squeezed more gel onto his palm and asked her to close her eyes so he could do her face.

For a split second, she was worried small for her face breaking out. She actually has separate products for her face because sometimes her face reacts to new products but mehhn she remembered that when she was a student she used to wash her face with N 60 a joy, lux, or GIV and she did not die so she let him.

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