Eve, the Birth of Evil

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My great grandmother's name was Eve she was a beautiful girl with long curly black hair, light brown skin and beautiful green eyes. She was daughter of a farmer her mother died giving birth to her living them both alone with each other. Her beauty was said to be known all around the village every man wanted to marry her but she would have no one. She was born with the element of earth and a lot of power. Earth out of all the elements was the most powerful, witches born with this power were said to adapt themselves a lot quicker to the other elements. Eve was into commuting with nature, she spend all day in the forest with the animals and plants. But there is a reason why she was the strongest dark witch in our family, like in many situations life had another plan.

One day as she lay in the grass looking up at the clouds, a dark cloud of smoke spread across the skies. Something was burning, she ran back to the farm and the closer she got the more the scent of smoke filled her lungs. The farm was on fire and so was the forest, she screamed for her father but no one came. She felt a sharp pain in her head and hit the floor. When she awoke she was in the village tied down next to the other villagers, her father was there too. She couldn't understand what was happening but by looking around she could tell no one did. Everything around them was on fire, their little world was on fire. 

A man on a white horse came and stood over them, soldiers surrounded them while other soldiers continue burning down their houses.

"Listen all I am King Christon de Mort I am your new ruler, I have taken the throne from your king and I am now your king." His voice was like thunder, he was a big man, muscular and very handsome but his face showed nothing but cruelty. He had dark eyes and a large scar that crossed his lip and went down to his throat. He looked down at them like a hawk hunting for his prey.

But this was just the beginning he took all the villagers from the kingdom and put them to work, he wanted to build a massive wall around his new castle, a massive wall that would protect him from any invader. See that thing about men like him that spend their life destroying others is that they live in constant fear that someone would do the same thing to them.

All woman, men and children that could work were working all day on building this wall, Eve's father was an older man but he had a lot of strength he work hard and never gave any trouble. Eve was destined for something worst, she and many of the other young women did not have to work but were kept at the call of the soldiers. They were raped and beaten daily some of them ended up working on the wall after they had no more use for them while others would just end up dead. Eve's beauty you could say saved her from the faith of the others, the only man that touched her was the king. The first time was awful and she hated him with all her heart, she consulted herself knowing at least she and her father were protected. The king had many woman in waiting but his favorite was Eve, he promise her she would be queen, she didn't want that but maybe if she became queen she could save her people.

When Eve was taken she was but a girl, years pass and even though she was older she still had her youth and beauty. After the wall was completed the king let the people do what they want many settle in the village right outside the castle walls and did whatever they could. No one consider returning to their land, there was nothing there anymore. Eve's father became a blacksmith he was a farmer in former live but as a child work with his father as a blacksmith so he went back to doing that. He and two other men open a small place, they made good money especially since they work for the king. It was all thanks to Eve who made sure they would get the official job to serve the king. The king was sweet to her and gave her many things, he still had many women but he promised her she would be queen.

All was well, Eve was living in a castle treated like a queen and soon she would be. She spend most of her time in the library the king had plan to burn it down but likely Eve persuade him to leave it. She spent all her time reading and learning and even had the power to order more books, she rarely practice her magic but every once in a while she did. Being a witch isn't something that can be stopped you just can't stop.

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