The Awakening

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They finished their story, for about a second we all just sat there, especially me I was processing everything I just heard. I still had many questions. I looked around their little house, it was old and covered in dust and the smell, it was the smell of rotten wood and rotten meat. 

In the corner laid a mirror a beautiful mirror I was drawn to it, I stood up and walked towards it and ran my fingers around it. "Is this?"

"Yes, Aurora's mirror."

"Then this is her house, the one she made" My eyes sparkle, I took a look around this old house belonged to my ancestor. 

"Yes, after we were asked to leave the castle we found it, it was still covered in a veil but it was being protected by blood magic. Blood magic is..."

"Family, you use blood to hide something but anyone connected to your blood can unlock it"

"Yes, you are very..."

"Informed? What about the mirror?" I ran my hands on its surface, it was covered in dust, they really needed to clean up. "Do you use it?"

"Sadly no, the magic required to use that type of magic is out of our range" I could tell many things were out of their range, I could tell they were hiding something, a flash came to my head an image...a book. I kept looking into the mirror when it suddenly changed, pictures were forming in it.

" activated it, that's impossible only a powerful witch could do that" I turned to look at them, they were looking at each other. Their minds buzzing, years of living together had made given them a connection unlike no other. I looked back at the mirror and I saw my mother, I was looking at her thru this mirror. I backed away from the mirror and the image disappeared.

"You can't have it! It belongs to us we are it's blood."

"So am I, and it's obvious you can't use it" For a second I thought they would attack. "All these things belong to our family and you are doing a very bad job of taking care of them"

"This is just things we could grab, your mother took the rest and hid it in your fathers kingdom."

"The rest?" I thought of what they meant, they were probably talking about the books I found. 

"You mean the books filled with spells, those belong to Aurora too?" I couldn't believe it, the things I've learn came directly from my great, great grandmothers collection.

"Yes, not just belong but many of them were books written in her handwriting" 

"But many of the things she wrote were written so only a witch that has power can read them" 

"That explains why I couldn't read them when I first found them"

"They belong to us!" One of them yelled, I turn to look at her giving her a hard stare.

"Belong to you? Why would they belong to you?"

"We have been studying them since we were young, we are the only once that can uncover their secrets it takes years to understand what they say."

"Years yes, decades no, you all look ancient and you don't really have that much power."

"Have you seen the books? Besides Aurora their hasn't been another witch that could read them your stupid mother and grandmother hid them they didn't want anyone to uncover their dark secrets."

"Dark secrets?" I couldn't help but chuckle." There isn't any dark secrets, it's just a couple spells and curses but mainly just history."

"You've read them?"

Witch King Beautiful Creatures Series: Elder Coven IWhere stories live. Discover now