A Witch is Born

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When I turned 13 it was a joyful occasion, I was first in my classes the smartest in all the kingdom and even though I wasn't a knight like my father when he was my age, he was proud that I have become such an intelligent man. He would tell me that being smart is a lot better than being a soldier, a smart person could avoid battles and even win wars. My mother was also impressed for I had master most of her potions and then some. I was a practicing witch and could do anything my mother could I was called healer by the village people for I would be able to cure most of the sickness that struck our people.

My nephews were still with us and after so many years of being together I began seeing them as my brothers. My sister would visit from time to time but for the most part spent her time traveling and enjoying life. I to wish to travel and maybe see what I have read in my books but I was tied to the kingdom for I was to be king, I had to be responsible.

All the years I spent reading really paid off, I was just a young kid but I no longer required teaching, most of the kingdom's educators didn't know as much as I did and whatever I didn't know I could just acquire. My father's trading with other kingdoms brought many things that benefit the people but I also benefited from it. I would request books and scrolls from faraway lands, the people that would bring things where happy to find me rare books from their travels and even took the time to tell me of their journeys, anything for the king's son.

But besides filling my head with every book I found I also found time to practice my magic. My mother wasn't aware but I didn't just practice white magic, after reading everything I could on white magic I explore the dark side. I kept it a secret, I don't know why but I think it has to do with witch blood, that instinct that tells you to protect your magic and the knowledge you possess from others even if it's someone of your own blood.

When I was younger I found a secret room in the castle that was long forgotten, it was in the north tower with a window looking over the village and the green forest. It was a big room but it was full of things, I found a lot of useless junk and woden boxes filled with random things.

After moving some things I also found a chimney which is great to have for when it gets cold. Some of these boxes belonged to my mother, I don't know what they were doing here and from what I saw no one knew of this place it was just a little corner of the castle that was forgotten.

I thought this would make a great place for reading, it was quiet and no one would bother me, if I put shelfs and desk it could be my private library and I can do my writing and studying in here too.

I needed a place to be alone, you would think that living in a castle would be great for that since it's so big but it was full of knights patrolling the halls, servants working, cleaning, cooking and many other people that work with the king. Even the library my favorite room in the castle wasn't ideal, a grumpy old man guarded it like it was his and always made it uncomfortable for me to be there.

Finding this room was the best thing ever, it was just what I needed. I eventually turned this place into my private room, not even my nephews were allowed inside. Many times I came close to inviting them in but I went against it, and I'm glad I did.

I took all the junk out, everyone asked me where I found it? Some of the servants said that some of these thing have been lost for years I told them I came upon them in this room I wanted to turn into my study, where I can keep my books and writings. But it wasn't just a room in the castle, it also had a hidden room. I pushed a statue thinking of getting rid of it and a door open from inside the chimney, that's where I found the secret room. I was sure that if no one knew of this room then they probably didn't know it had a hidden room within.

The secret room had large wooden boxes that where filled with strange books, they were wrapped in leather and were written in a strange language. I never told anyone but because I was determined to know what was written in these books, this is one of the things that made me number one in my class. I was so determined to master different languages hoping I would come across the one's in these books that I pass everyone else. Eventually I did find the language and I studied hard to be able not just to speak it but to write and read it.

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