The Queen, My Mother

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When I came back to the kingdom it was late, almost mid day, I spend all night out and with the story and the argument I had with my relatives I had spent almost a whole morning out to. I flew around to see if there was any commotion or if anyone noticed that I haven't been here all day, when I saw that everything was normal I flew back into my room instead of my study. I turned back into human form, my whole body ached I was hungry but above all I was tired, I took my clothes off climbed into my bed and fell asleep.

I was under my blankets when I felt someone's presence in my room it was my mother. She was sitting by my bed, she wanted to know if I was alright, she said she had send in a maid to bring me breakfast but I wasn't here. I thought she might have suspected something, but she didn't, I told her I worked all night in my study, just things that needed to be done. She accepted my story and went on her way. 

Days pass before I felt back to full power I couldn't even order a pen to my hand let alone summon my water element. I used to much power and it took a lot to bring me back, I never thought that using too much magic would weaken me, I also discovered something else, the more magic you used the more your body starts to break down. One night as I took a bath I felt something in my mouth I thought I had something stuck in my tooth but it was my tooth, one just fell out. It was normal to loose teeth but I discovered in my case it had to do with magic. Magic can give you wrinkles, turn your hair white, you can lose teeth and even get nose bleeds, I've had two of all these. I started having nose bleeds a long time ago and now I lost a tooth.

Everything in the kingdom was well my sister had gone back home, this made my mother upset but she was now queen so she didn't let it bother her too much. We had no outside problems coming to the kingdom but we did have a problem, it was something I started noticing. My mother was acting different, she was also very old but unlike my father she had always been strong, a while back she was losing her vision, but with a combination of herbs she got better. She still had maybe thirty more years as queen, but unexpected things always come up.

She would get very forgetful and sometimes get lost, I decided to treat her, she was fine physically but her mind was not. I gave her something to help her but when the mind gets hurt it becomes difficult to treat. I have seen this before and I know it was bad. I had to take on the responsibilities of the queen which likely weren't many. I laid my mother in bed and made her rest, I would take her around the garden so she could get fresh air but for the most part she would be in bed.

My parents and I have always had differences, but I was again hit with this horrible feeling, of what I would do if I lost her too? She was perfectly healthy and well in every part but each day she seemed farther and farther away. I once tried taping into her head and see what I could see but it was too painful, everything was twisted. I was afraid. 

One night as I sat in the war room discussing politics with my father's men and how one of my father's enemy look like he was getting ready for war against us a maid came running in. She told me my mother had fallen down the stairs, I ran to her side, she was lying in the floor she was in pain and I could tell she had broken bones but she wasn't screaming she wasn't moving. The maids didn't know what to do, I ordered them to make my mother something to drink, the men came out of the war room and were trying to see if they could move her, I told them I would do it.

"But sir, it's dangerous, she needs to be put on something flat." I ordered them to move back, I slowly focus my energy and slowly levitated her off the ground so she wouldn't be disturbed. Everyone knew I had power but looking at me doing this made them uneasy. But right now I didn't care who knew I took her up the stairs and laid her in bed, I ask the maids to bring me herbs from the green house. I healed the best I could, her bones went back into place but it would be a while before she could move them. I mix her a drink for the pain, whatever else she had I healed with water, the way she taught me I wrapped the water around my hands and passed it thru out her body. She closed her eyes, I could tell it was working her blood was flowing normal and her heart went back to normal. I took a peek inside her head, but it was empty just dark. I would let her rest for now. 

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