Birth of a King

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Wolf King Castle, the castle is surrounded by a vast forest, in the south you have the ocean, in the north east, mountains and beyond that the Red Sand Desert. It is in this castle that a queen lays in her bed, woman surrounding her. She began feeling the aches and pains of life at midnight and three long hours later she gave birth to her son, me.

My name is Robin, or it is in the beginning of my story, it's not your typical fairy tale and it definitely doesn't have a "happily ever after". My life began in a cold cold night it was a little pass midnight when a queen gave birth to her second child a baby boy who she named Robin. The kingdom rejoiced with the coming of the first son and heir to the throne. The eldest sister Star held her baby brother in a warm embrace, holding him close while the queen rested. She called her father the king, he entered the bedroom to see the new addition to the family. The next day a celebration would be held in honor of the future king and heir to the Wolf King Castle, the weather will be cold and their will still many days of it but the whole kingdom and friends of the kingdom will come to celebrate the birth of the royals first born son.

My life as a child was typical, or as typical of someone born of royalty. I played in the gardens I had many pets and learn many things from my assign tutors and parents. My father the king, King Charles is a powerful man, you wouldn't know it by looking at him for he was a medium height man slender built with nothing that made him any more different from any other man. But before becoming king he had fought side by side with his men in many wars defending our kingdom and it was due to the courageous things he accomplished as a young man that the kingdom had become the most powerful in all the lands. My grandfather, whom I never met was killed many years before I was born, was proud of my father and honored to leave his kingdom in his son's hands. My father had become the youngest king in history, before he was even 27 he had fought in battles, created alliances with neighboring kingdoms and had made his kingdom the richest and most powerful. Our castle was known as Wolf Castle, home of the wolf kings but after my father it was named the Golden Kingdom. It's no longer just a castle and a small village but many villages and castles and their royals under one ruler, King Charles my father. Finding a queen that would be appropriate for such a king would have been hard but my father was already destined to wed the princess of the neighboring kingdom and allies to our kingdom which in a way agreed to the marriage to keep its freedom but benefit from its protection.

Her name was Elizabeth the princess of Morning Dew castle from Villa kingdom. Her mother, my grandmother the queen was an older woman named Star, my sister was named after her, she was widowed. She has ruled over her kingdom for twenty years now alone. When my father King Charles began rising she feared a war would break out she invited him and his men as guest, this is were my father first saw my mother.

Her beauty was not typical as what you would expect, instead of having long blonde straight hair and proper lady like qualities she was untamed and wild. Her hair was curly, wild, dark but when the sun hit it it would illuminate a bright red she always had it flowing in the wind. She spent most of her time in the forest. She studied life, people, animals, plants and like many people of this time her love for nature came from being a witch, she had witch blood. She practiced her craft in secret and even though it was known that woman of the Villa kingdom had witch in their blood it's not common for any witch to be so open about what they can do. Later she became known as the White Witch of the Golden Kingdom, but at that moment she was just a girl, a princess who was made to marry someone she doesn't know.

I never knew much of how it was when they first met but the little I did know was not what I wanted to hear. My mother said her beauty captivated my father at first sight he would have married my mother on the spot if he could, the problem was that he had nothing she wanted. He was about 13 years older than she was and for her he was a tyrant, just another king with an oversize ego that needed the stroking of everyone around him. My mother on the other hand only married for convenience, combining the two kingdoms would benefit her people and as a woman she had to sacrifice herself for the good of the people. She didn't know it but it was her telling me this that began corrupting and darkening my heart.

By the time I began my education my sister who was a lot older than I had gone off to another kingdom and married. She married Aldred, king of Crator Kingdom another ally of my father but a kingdom that was not part of ours, his castle was north beyond the forest of Golden Kingdom. His castle was surrounded by mountains it was one of the safest kingdoms and a great ally for our kingdom it was just north of ours. If an army tried attacking us, Aldred's kingdom was the first defense. My sister Star had met him in a celebration we had, she fell in love with him and unlike my parents she married willingly and with someone she wanted to. I never saw much of her and only remember receiving letters telling us of her life and how she soon will be with child.

As a child I was treated with much respect, I never made the connection that the way people treated me had to do with the fact that I was the future king. It was not until I was about nine that things changed, unlike my father who has always been slender and active I was a little bigger and more introvert with my activities. I spend most of my time reading and eating sweets that where always available in castle walls. My days in school became torment for the other children began to tease me, it wasn't just the fact that I was fat that bothered them but the fact that I was too smart for my on good and how most of the time I could have a better conversation with and adult than be able to talk about kid things with children of my own age. I began hating them and hating everyone around me, I always spend my time reading my books for they were the only place I was at peace.

I would of taken my complains to my father but kid things even if it involve his son where no place for a king. And my father always wanted me to be brave and strong like he was, and I was. I was never afraid of the kids that bullied me and they never dare to touch me but as a child I wish I could go to my parents. My mother was no exception, for many years I was always with her learning about plants and their uses and for a while I also wanted to be like her, a powerful white witch that could heal all the people of our land. By this time my mother already held the title of the White Witch of the Golden Kingdom a title bestowed by the people of the kingdom.

My father combining the neighboring kingdoms and having control of trade from the sea and land made this kingdom what it is. My mother soon began growing medicinal plants she was known all around as the most powerful witch, the most powerful healer. I wanted to follow in her footsteps, to be a powerful king like my father and continue healing people like my mother. But things change.

The stronger our kingdom became the more enemies we had, my father spend most of the time in the war room devising plans to fight our enemies and my mother in her greenhouse teaching other woman how to create the healing potions and plants that helped the sick in our land.

I was alone for most of the time but it wasn't until my sister sent her three children that things changed. I was happy they were here I finally had someone to play with. I never understood the reason why my sister sent her kids to live with us but what I did hear was that she was having problems with her husband and wanted our mother to take care of her children. My father was not happy, he had heard rumors that Star had left her husband because she felt marriage was tying her down to much. My father was the most powerful king but even he couldn't start fighting over every little thing. He couldn't tell his daughter what to do and her husband didn't really care that she left, I'm sure he was glad he had no more responsibilities. My sister traveled throughout the kingdom and at one point was living with our grandmother the queen of Morning Dew Castle.

My mother was not happy either but was satisfied because she now had three more children she could play mom with. As queen she was only able to bare two children my sister and I, she wanted more but she couldn't, so having her grandchildren here awaken something in her that she thought she would never experience again. They were younger than me and needed someone to take care of them and because unlike me they weren't destined to be king like me she had free liberty to do with them whatever she wanted. I had a fun childhood, but I was always surrounded by many different people that made sure that because I was going to be king I had to be raised a certain way and taught a certain way, my mother didn't really get to be with me the way she was with my sister.

But I was fulfilled too, now she was spending more time with me, deep inside I wondered why she couldn't spend more time with me before they came but I never let it bother me because I was profiting from the attention they were getting.

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