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The two ravens fly north, pass the forest thru Crater Kingdom across the mountains. 

Beyond that lies the deadly Red Sand Desert, a desert once ruled by powerful people and cursed by an evil witch. The Red Sand Desert is massive, miles of nothing but red scorching sand and hot days and freezing nights. Many people believe it is cursed and avoid crossing it at all cause, the only kingdom that reside there is Oasis Kingdom, ruled by the ancient lines of kings and queens who can keep the evil of the desert at bay.

Beyond the red desert lies the kingdoms of the north, wars have broken out. Witches of great power have begun to rise, kingdoms have been hit by plagues. Human kingdoms had to put there differences aside to fight against the true powers of the world. 

Witch hunters decedents of the great tribes have grown in number to fight these new powers, working for bounty, Kingdoms hire them to help destroy these witches.

The strongest the two sister witches, Black Widow Queen of the West and Dimond Widow Queen of East. The strongest witches who now rule over the norther lands. The Black Widow Queen taking one kingdom at a time while the Dimond Widow Queen keeps the east side covered in ice like rock that consumes and sucks the life out of everything it touches.

The king of Sun Kingdom is the latest victim of the widow but the young prince escapes heading to the Wizards Pyramid that lies deep in the Red Sand Desert, he hopes that with the power of the wizard and the witch hunters of the north they will have the power to destroy the Witch Queens.

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