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If you are born with Witch Blood then you are not human, you are something else a mystery a creature, a beautiful creature.

Witches are said to have existed since the beginning of creation of man, and witches are said to be the first who to step foot on earth.

In the beginning man was created, both of flesh and blood, a soul and a mind. But on one side you had the one who was satisfied with what was given and on the other, one that wanted more. It wasn't a sin to want more, to explore, if anything this was the purpose for being alive. Two equals born the same, but both with the capability of self worth and wanting. And while one was satisficed the other one was not, she had learned everything she could and wanted to expand her wings and see more. She was not a prisoner, at her request she was allowed to leave.

It is said that all she took was a creature of light and magic, creatures of sun and darkness and the beasts of the elements. And unlike the one who stayed she was given immortality and powers of the mind, body and spirit and the elements of creation. Her name was Lilith, she was the first to set foot on earth and the mother of all witches.

Soon after man also came to earth, but unlike Lilith they had no powers or connection to the creatures of the earth. They were weak and fearful and everything they did was slow and tough, they suffer, aged and died. But eventually man caught up, they grew intelligent with every new generations and spread across the lands. They built and destroyed.

Lilith had also evolved, it is not known if she gave birth to a child but what is known is that she is the reason why among normal people witches exist and that their blood was different from everyone else.

Witches and humans lived side by side, eventually the bloodlines mixing. And even though witches did have powers humans could always hold their own.

Witches are like anyone, you have witches that are healers that use their power for good and witches who use their power for evil. Their is conflict, but for the most part they are equal.

As the world changed and kingdoms form you had places on earth were you live peacefully and others were you didn't. The knowledge of witches was known to all, many saw it as a normal thing while some places feared it.

Like Lilith many born with witch blood had an urge to grow to want more, they had great powers and they used it for good but were also tempted to use it for evil. And while no witch has power like Lilith many are still very strong.

The world goes thru many changes, sometimes an unseen force just flips a switch. The one's peaceful lands were now being ravished by wars not just among people but with witches too.

And unlike witches of the pass who had minimal power the witches born into this world are blessed with great powers and in many cases deadly.

The world is still young and forming and the fate of what will happen is still undetermined.

One thing that is clear is that these beautiful creatures are here to stay.

Witch King Beautiful Creatures Series: Elder Coven IWhere stories live. Discover now