Death of a King

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Four years pass I was now 21, I still had no bride and my father was still king but everything was right in our kingdom. No wars have erupted and for a while now I was always at my father's side learning how to rule the kingdom while in private I was also crafting my magic. I had become master of a new element, fire.

My sister had finally returned to her kingdom and from what I knew she was once again happy with her husband. My three nephews returned to her side even my eldest nephew who had become a very strong knight in our kingdom.

My parents were sad to see them leave but my father was relief my sister finally settle down and was glad a knight trained in our kingdom would go to her side. My mother on the other hand was heartbroken she had grown to see them as her children and did not want to see them leave. When they left she spent the day crying in her room, this made me angry, they were not her children I was and she spent so much time taking care of them she neglected me for many years.

I sat in my room going thru this in my head, I wish I could let it go but I couldn't.  It would just built up inside me but now with my new power it made things interesting. As I sat in my room I accidentally set the curtains on fire. Fire was very different from water, while with water it waits for you to tell it what to do fire seems to have a mine of its own, many times thing around me would just burn.

Controlling my temper had become a difficult task especially since I could accidently burn something. I began focusing more on meditating and self-control before attempting anything else with fire. It wasn't just a dangerous new power but I was still trying to keep it a secret, at this point I have only admitted to mastering water.

It wasn't until I had full control of myself and my emotions that I was able to master the element fire. I was just beginning to experiment with the element air when I was interrupted.

My father was getting older many times he would get sick and there was nothing that could be done to help him it was no sickness that was making him weak it was him getting older. My mother worried, she was always the one that heal him and she could tell his time was coming. I offered to help but my father would not allow it, only my mother was allowed in the room.

What he wanted me to do when he got sick was to take charge and do whatever he would have been doing. I would obey and do as he wanted but I would spend the night at his side making sure he was alright. He didn't like this he was a proud man and didn't like that he had to have someone watching him. This was the first time in my whole life I saw my father differently, I realized he isn't just a king or my father he was a man, just like everyone else. This was the seed that was planted in my head, and began growing and growing, I didn't want to be old or die, my world came crushing down around me as I sat and looked over my father, I realized that my time is also running out, all I have is power and that means nothing because in the end I will also grow old and die.

In all my years of studying magic I discovered what you might call "The Fountain of Youth". Man has looked for a way to live longer or even be immortal but man has not even come close. There are many wonders in the world, other creatures that have long lives spans, nocturnal creatures who are both curse and bless with immortality and their hunger to feed on life and then there are witches. We as witches do age slower, looking at my father and mother made me see this. My father was older but compare to my mother he aged a lot more. I could also see it with my nephews, my older nephew looked a lot older than me even though I was the oldest. Witches aren't immortal but we do age slower and with magic we can have an even longer life span.

Immortality isn't as uncommon as it is with other things. For witches immortality is something that can be obtained. There is a catch though, it's actually the thing that keeps many witches from obtaining immortality. From what I have studied there has been no witch that has successfully become immortal. I can't say this for certain for my limit of finding a witch that is immortal goes as far as my kingdom but in every book I have read it only tells you what it takes to be an immortal witch and not if someone has actually been able to do it.

It's the darkest of magic and once you do it there is no going back, you will become immortal but you will change, never again will you be the same person. The magic requires you to take a beating heart from the person that loves you and that you love.......and eat it.

Not eat it like you would food it's all magical, you take the heart which carries their essence, their spirit even a piece of their soul and consume that energy. There actual heart stays in their body but there will to live and passion for life is gone so they die.

As I sat over by father's bed I contemplated in my head if it would be a good idea. He was already old and his life is coming to an end it wouldn't be like I would be killing him but I couldn't, I just couldn't. No matter how much anger I had for my father for never paying attention to me when I needed him or my mother for always helping other people before her own son I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it to either of them I wasn't ready to have such heaviness in my heart especially since doing it would make me immortal I couldn't handle living with such a burden for the rest of eternity.

*             *             *

About three weeks later my father pass away, a dark cloud fell throughout the kingdom. People from all around came to give their last goodbye to one of the most powerful kings that ever existed.

My sister and my three nephews and three younger children she had when she left came to stay with us in these dark times. For the first time I was glad she was here to console my mother for I didn't have the will. My fathers' death hit me harder than I thought I fell into depression. I couldn't do anything and rarely went outside and when I did my sadness would make the sky darken and rain would fall over our kingdom. I didn't know it but the weather changing so dramatically with just my presence was a special gift I had. All witches have powers and can do many things but every witch is born with a special power mine was weather manipulation.

My sister and my six nephews stayed with us for a couple weeks during that time my mother was named Queen to rule the land. In our kingdom the crown does not pass to the male of the family until both king and queen pass, I was glad for I had many things to do. Now that my father pass a transfer of power was passed on, the men who once served my father now served me, even though my mother was queen they knew I would be the next power to be. For the most part I would handle things the way my father taught me but unless there was a war my presence was not needed my mother the queen could handle most of the things that came up and she had my sister and nephews to help her.

I wished now that I would of paid attention to things, I didn't know it but my sister had problems and the second she had come she was taking money from our kingdom to help hers. She would whisper things in my mother's ears, tell her that her kingdom was collapsing and that she couldn't handle seeing her people suffer.

In a way it was true but the actual truth was that my sister and her king would spend it on idiotic things and then end up owing many people, the people from her kingdom were poor and have always been and it had to do in big part that the king and queen spend all of it on themselves. My mother willingly gave, she never liked to see anyone suffer and she thought she was doing a good thing. It wasn't so much that our kingdom would suffer but if I knew about it I wouldn't have allowed it, it was just money going down the drain.

My sister was also here for another reason, she had big plans but this would come up until later on. But while all this was happening I had decided it was time for me to expand my wings both metaphorically and literally.

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