【 06 】

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*Marinette's Pov*

We got on the bus while Mrs. Bustier talked to Damian about the trip. I saw Chloe already sitting, so I sat next to her.

"He looks familiar. I feel like I've seen him before," she told me, nodding her head in Damian's direction outside. She was looking outside the window so she had a much better view of him.

"I dunno, it's definitely my first time seeing him," I said, feeling my face getting hot. 

She gasps. "Does the little bug have a thing for our translator?" she said, a little too loud.

"Who has a thing for the translator?" Adrien asked, who was already sitting behind us with Nino. In front of us, Kim was sitting next to Alix, minding their own business.

"No one does, Adrien," I said, panicking because Damian was already entering the bus.

"Yeah, Adrien, no one does...yet," Chloe said, looking at me, smirking while I glared at her.

Mrs. Bustier calls the class's attention and introduces Damian. She says that he will be our translator when our tour guide isn't able to help during the tours and other stuff because most of us don't speak English. So basically, he's just hanging out with us and will help when we need to ask something but don't know in English. She lets us know we are now on our way to the hotel to check in and will meet back in the lobby to tour one of the museums that Gotham has.

*at the hotel*

We are staying at one of the hotels that Mr. Wayne owns. When we got there, I admired the interior design because it was very different from Le Grand Paris. I walk up to the main desk to check in.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

"Alright, here are your key cards and a list of the room numbers."

"Thank you!"

*3rd person*

There were a total of nine rooms for them. The two teachers, Mrs. Bustier and Mrs. Mendeleieu were sharing a room, so were Adrien and Nino, Chloe and Alix, Ivan and Max, Kim and Nathaniel, Alya and Lila, Juleka and Rose, Myléne and Sabrina. Marinette was by herself because she didn't mind being by herself and because Lila made a scene where she didn't want to be in a room alone so Marinette said she would take that room.

They made their way to the room and had an hour before they were supposed to meet downstairs. Marinette had brought some of her sewing supplies just in case she wanted to sew in the middle of the night since they were here for a month. Her friends ended up coming up to her room to talk about their plans while they were in Gotham before they went downstairs.

"So what are we going to do? Go run around Gotham until we find Batman, corner him, and beg him to help us. That didn't seem to help when we tried to contact the Justice League," said Alix with her arms crossed.

She was still mad that the Green Lantern thought they were a joke. They tried contacting them a lot of times, but it always ended up in Green Lantern's hands. He had told them to stop messing with the Justice League communications for help thingy they had. They had to try a different approach because contacting the way they were doing obviously wasn't helping.

"Kinda, it may be the only way. We aren't known to them because we always end up fixing the damage in the end with my miraculous, so our situation may not be that alarming even though Hawkmoth is getting stronger. If it weren't for you guys, Adrien and I would've lost a long time ago." Marinette told the group.

"We should talk more later; it's almost time to leave," said Kim, looking at the clock.

*Marinette's Pov*

We went downstairs. It seemed as if Lila was trying to get Damian's attention. He looked like he was restraining himself and needed a way out. Chloe laughed at what Lila was doing. I was mad and went up to her.

"Wanting another guy already, Lila? What happened to your boyfriend, Damiboo?" I said, laughing.

"Oh, I'm meeting him later tonight. Why are you jealous? Are you still heartbroken about Adrien?" she said as she walked away, flicking her hair in the process.

I had to keep myself from punching her.

"Thanks. I almost wanted to kill her," he said with a severe tone. It almost made me think he wasn't kidding.

"You're welcome. I've had to deal with her for two years now, and a lot of my classmates are her followers. Glad to see you didn't seem to fall for whatever she said," I told him.

"Well, I was trained to spot liars, but she is a different breed of lying and annoying. Worse from the people at my school," he said, cringing.

We walked to where everyone was waiting to leave and boarded the bus. I ended up sitting with Damian and was getting a bit nervous.

"What did she mean when she said 'still heartbroken about Adrien'?  Is he an, what's it called..." Damian started thinking. " Oh, yes an 'ex-boyfriend'?" he asked

He even did the little air quotes on 'ex-boyfriend'. I looked around to see if Adrien was paying attention, which he wasn't, he was telling Kim to sit down. So I answered him.

"Um, no. He's an old crush I had. She thinks I'm heartbroken because he has a girlfriend and assumes I still have a crush on him," I giggled.

But I really don't have any feelings for him. It sounded so natural saying it.

"Oh really?" he asked.

We continued our conversation the whole ride to the museum.

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