【 24 】

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*Marinette's Pov*

After an evening of doing some sightseeing of our own, we were heading to the restaurant Chloe wanted to go to. Chloe, being the daughter of Audrey Bourgeois, was able to make a last minute reservation for us because she used her name and Adrien's name to get into the restaurant. The perks of being friends with the daughter of Queen of Fashion and the son of Gabriel Agreste.

We made our way to our table. I felt Chloe hitting me on my side and she motioned me to look in the direction she was looking at. I saw what she had meant. Damian was there with his father and another male and a teen around our age. I decided not to be rude and wave. Damian gave me a small smile and waved back while the boy that was at their table turned his head in our direction.

"It looks like your future boyfriend happened to be here too," Chloe whispered to me as we sat down.

"Shhh don't say that!" I responded to her.

She laughed.

"It's not like he can hear us. Anyways, now I know for sure his father is truly Bruce Wayne," Chloe said.

I gave her a glare. Adrien was with us and she just slipped up.

"Wait, his father is Bruce Wayne. Oh," Adrien said.

He chuckled.

"Imagine Lila's face when she releases her 'Damiboo' with us all along," he said laughing.

The waitress came by and we ordered our food.

"You don't think Damian knows about me?" I whispered to Chloe.

"About what?" She whispered back.

"You know me being you know, Ladybug, remember his brother saw me yesterday. I'm kinda freaking out about what he knows or somebody else knows now that I'm thinking about it." I told her.

"What do you mean Mari? His brother knows?" Adrien asked, his eyes widening.

We both look over at him.

"Hey don't blame me for listening in. I have cat ears you know, not really my fault, it came with the job," He said, getting defensive.

"I know, don't worry about it Adrien, I was planning on telling you anyway. I just think it's weird, you know," I said.

"Why do you think it's weird?" Chloe asked.

I was hesitating. If I was a normal citizen, I would have kept this to myself, but as a hero myself I should tell my other team members about the visit.

"It's just, um, I think it's weird because Robin visited me last night."

"Oh my gods, DAMI oh my gods Dami how could you?!!" We heard someone calling out. It was Damian's friend. He was hitting the table as if he just found out something he shouldn't have. Strange.

We all resumed our conversation as both Mr. Wayne and Damian tried to calm down the boy. Damian looked highly annoyed at the boy for him making a scene. The other guy that Mr. Wayne was having dinner with, seemed to be scolding the boy. Adrien kept looking at the table. He seemed to also think it was weird that he said something at the exact moment I had said that.

"So you think Wayne has some connection to the Bats?" Adrien whispered.

"Yes and no. I mean he said that he was checking up because of the mall incident and didn't ask me anything about Ladybug." I said to them.

"And he just left? Just checked up on you and left?" Adrien questioned.


"I see what's going on. Robin saw Marinette on the news and saw how hot Mari is and developed a crush. Pathetic really," she said laughing.

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