【 30 】

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*3rd Person*

The class was given a tour of how they produce their newspaper. They started from floor to floor on how each level is different from the other workers. One floor was for the editors, another floor was for the photographers and their stations where they develop their film. The highest floor is where most of the reporters are, including Clark Kent and Lois Lane.

The class finally had made it to the reporters floor of the tour. Jon was enthusiastic about everything. He was happy to meet everyone but got sad when he noticed that some would bully Marinette. They would trip her or do something to her when they thought no one was looking, especially Damian since they were all scared by his presence. He was always around her, giving glares that scared them to death.

Jon just happened to see Alya stick her foot out before Marinette. She was about to fall on the floor but then at the last second was pushed and hit against the wall where she hurt her shoulder. Alya had decided that instead of tripping her, she would push Marinette to the wall.

*Damian's Pov*

I heard a lot of the students gasp. I turned to where they were looking and saw Marinette. She was clenching her shoulder, leaning against the wall. I walked over to her, she tried to hide the pain from her face but I already could easily tell it hurt badly for her.

"What happened?" I asked her, worried. I tried to see how badly she was hurt from the shoulder.

"Oh please, she just bumped the wall, she should be fine," said the girl with glasses.

"No, she didn't, I saw you push her!" Jon said.

"What's going on?" It was Jon's dad. He must have heard the commotion.

"This girl pushed my friend, she's hurt, I think her shoulder is dislocated," Jon said, looking worried.

"I'm fine. I just slightly hurt it but I can move it. See," Marinette said, trying to hurt her arm but wincing in pain, groaning in pain.

"It's dislocated Damian, I heard it pop," Jon whispered to me.

I went up to Marinette.

"Marinette, let's go. I'm taking you to the hospital," I told her.

One of Marinette's teachers walked up to us.

"Ma'am, I'm going to take her to the hospital," I told her. Not really asking for permission.

"How will you get there?" She asked. Of course, she couldn't leave her student alone in the city but not like she cared since Marinette seemed to always be missing from dinner.

"I have a ride," I said, taking Marinette's other arm in the direction of the elevator.

We both were on the street. I pulled out my phone looking at my contacts hoping this person was in Metropolis. I pressed the contact and it started ringing.

"Do we have to go to the hospital?" Marinette asked quietly.

I looked over at her. Is she serious? She just got her shoulder dislocated.

"Unless you want me to pop it back in place," I told her.

She was about to answer me.

"Um, is this a prank? Or is the baby Bat calling me," a voice said. Shit. It's on speaker.

"Yeah, it's me. Are you in Metropolis?" I said, leaving it on speaker, hoping Marinette doesn't make a connection.

"Wow. No hello? Yeah no, I'm not, left this morning. Why does Jon miss me or something?"

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