【 07 】

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*Damian's Pov*

I got on the bus and Marinette ended up sitting next to me on the ride to the museum. I decided to continue our conversation because I was also curious about one thing.

"What did she mean when she said 'still heartbroken about Adrien'? Is he an, what's it called..." I am still not used to the modern 'teen' language so I had to pause and think. "Oh, yes, an 'ex-boyfriend'?" I asked her.

She looked around a bit before she answered.

"Um no, he's an old crush I had. She thinks I'm heartbroken because he has a girlfriend and she assumes I still have a crush on him," she said giggling.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"So what interesting things are there to do in Paris, I've never been," I said, for some reason, I wanted to continue the conversation.

She thought about it for a second.

"Well one of my favorite things to do is to find André, he is an ice cream vendor that my friends and I try to locate. He moves to different locations and gives clues on where to find him. His ice creams are legendary, when a couple goes for the first time it will be a relationship that will last long. My parents got the couple's ice cream when they first started dating and they are still happily married. If you are single, André will give you an ice cream description of your true love."

"So basically he sees into your love life and tells you your soulmate?" I questioned. This guy has a good advertisement.

"Yes, basically," Marinette answered.

"tt this André guy has good advertising," I said with a small laugh.

She glared at me.

"That's not funny. The last time I thought something similar and didn't believe in the magic of his ice cream he got akumatized," she told me seriously.

"Akuma-what? What is that?" I asked, confused.

She sighed.

"Akumitized. It's not really known outside of Paris because there isn't that much proof because of the aftermath that is cleaned up with magic. There is a villain named Hawkmoth. He is after two miraculous, the ladybug and the black cat miraculous. A miraculous is a jewel with a special power able to transform a person with superpowers. Those two miraculous were given to two people in order to protect the city of Paris. They are known as Ladybug, who has the power of creation, and Chat Noir, who has the power of destruction. Hawkmoth sends his akumas to turn people who have negative emotions into supervillains and sends them to retrieve Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous. Ladybug and Chat Noir, who now have more team members, destroy the object that contains the akuma and Ladybug must purify the akuma to turn it back into a butterfly. With her Lucky Charm, she fixes all the destruction caused in the fight and everything goes back to normal so it doesn't really make national news. It happens almost daily."

All this has been happening? How come the Justice League isn't aware?

"How long has this been happening?" I asked her.

"About three years, maybe four, I think," she told me softly.

This must have a big effect on everyone. It must be hard seeing your city destroyed and rebuilt all over again for almost four years.

"Have the superheroes not contacted the Justice League?" I asked curiously.

"I've heard somewhere they have," she sighed "but apparently they don't think the superheroes are being serious and tell them not to contact them without evidence."

Who would do that? Father would've looked into it, even if it was not a serious matter to them. I have to let father know about this but I can't pull out my phone at this moment. How can I even tell her I can help without exposing myself as Robin?

"Maybe they should. I would tell them but I have no way to contact them. Hopefully, they find Hawkmoth soon and defeat them; he also has a partner working with him now too."

The bus came to a sudden stop. We are now at the museum.

*Marinette's Pov*

Being Ladybug, it is hard to keep my emotions in check. I'm one of the few who have not yet been akumatized. Talking about this matter to Damian brought out emotions I have kept hidden. Being given this life at fourteen is hard without any guidance on how to be a hero. Having to figure out how to lead a team. I have gotten used to this but in the beginning, it was different, Chat and I were just figuring things out. Then Master Fu helped for a few months and gave the other miraculous to the others but then had to give up being guardian because Hawkmoth figured out he was the guardian. How long is left until he figures out our identities? We need help and what no greater way in trying to get the greatest detective, Batman, to help? Hopefully, he can help us.

The bus came to a stop. Thankfully Damian didn't ask any more questions when we got off.  The class was separated into two groups: Group 1 was Lila and her sheep and Group 2 was the Miraculous group plus Damian. The museum consists of a lot of 3D art. It is amazing to see how these artworks were designed and crazy to think that people were so creative to come up with them.

I was walking to the next room when I got an akuma alert. It was an akuma like the Sandboy that Chat and I faced before but different now. The akuma seemed to be making people hallucinate their nightmare, thinking they came to life so everyone was running around screaming and destroying everything in their path to get away from what they were running from. I looked around the room to see who was closest to me, it was Adrien. Damian nearby admiring an object so he wouldn't see us slip away so I grabbed Adrien and walked to an area with no people and no cameras pointing in our direction. I text Chloe to cover for us if anyone asks.

"What happened Mari?" asked Adrien, worried.

"There's an akuma," I said.

He nodded.

"Plagg, Claws Out."

"Tikki, Spots on. Tikki, Kaaiki, unify"

I called on a voyage to create a portal to Paris. We made it to a nearby alley by my family's bakery. We look around trying to find the villain. People are running by screaming with nothing chasing them. We finally see a shadowy figure on top of Le Grand Paris. I yo-yo up to the top of the hotel with Chat Noir quickly following.

"Nice of you to join me Ladybug and Chat Noir, I am Shadownight," they said.

"Any ideas in the akuma is kitty?" I asked, spinning my yo-yo in a fighting stance.

"Maybe his staff?"

After we battled trying to get the staff, we finally got a hold of it and broke it but nothing happened. Surprised, I looked over to Chat Noir.

"How about you call your lucky charm," said Chat Noir.

"Lucky Charm!"

The item landed in my hands. I look around to figure out what to do. I figured out my plan and told Chat.

After my plan went through, I heard Chat call Cataclysm.

"Cataclysm!" he says as his hand touches Shadownight's cloak.

"Pound it?" I asked Chat after I de-evilize the butterfly, holding up my fist, and waiting for Chat to do the same.

"Like old times, right M'lady?" He asked, smiling while doing our famous 'pound it' when it was just us as partners.

It turns out it was the blanket they had over their head covering themselves when they woke up from their nightmare. Hawkmoth thought it was a good idea to akumitize the poor person at 1 am.

When we got back it was already 6 pm in Gotham. We were tired but had to stay up so we wouldn't be jet-lagged. We were gone for an hour so that definitely raised some questions. We just said we got lost while looking around the museum.

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