【 29 】

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*Marinette's Pov*

After the carnival, we dropped Jon at his house since his father was expecting him to be home at a certain time so it was just Adrien and I with Damian in the back of the limo.

"I hope you guys won't get in trouble for being late since you guys missed dinner at the hotel," Damian said.

"Oh the teacher is not who we have to worry about, it's Lila we have to worry about, she'll probably tell everyone we ditched again," Adrien said.

"Gods she's awful. I can't believe she is telling everyone that I'm her boyfriend. I imagine if my mother heard about her, she'd probably sew her mouth shut because she talks too much," Damian said.

"Haha she does talk too much and she says things like she says things like 'my Damiboo is soooooo shy to be around me. He doesn't want to be seen in public with me because he doesn't want his fans to hate me'," I mimicked her.

"At least she's dumb enough to not realize who you are. Otherwise, she would be breathing down your neck and attached to your arm at all times," Adrien said, shivering.

"Then I'd have her arrested for harassment. Did she do that to you?" Damian asked.

"All the time but Adrien is too nice to say anything about it," I said laughing.

"Yeah and the fact that she has gotten on my father's good side. I even have to do some photoshoots with her," he said, shivering again.

"Why don't you embarrass her in front of everyone and say you are not her boyfriend?" Adrien asked.

"Adrien if he does that she'll make up a whole new lie that I made him break up with her and have her crocodile tears come out," I said.

"She'd really do that?" Damian asked, making a face of disgust.

I nodded my head.

When we got to the hotel, Damian had said he had called ahead to tell the chief to make us food since we had missed dinner. He apologized for not eating with us since he had to meet his father, something important that he was already late for. He probably had a curfew too.

Adrien and I went to a table at the restaurant inside and they immediately recognized us and brought out our food.

*Damian's Pov*

Shit. I was late to patrol. I didn't expect to be gone for hours. I rushed down to the cave to put on my uniform.

"Dames, you're late," Drake said.

"Obviously I'm late, I know that. And don't call my Dames," I growled at him.

"No need to take your anger out on me, you made yourself late," he said.

"Whatever," I said.

I got on my motorcycle and left. The others had already left and I already know father is going to be mad when we all get back.

*time skip*

Everyone just returned. Father went to the computer to look up information.

Everyone had already left and I was about to leave when father called me.

"Damian, stay, we need to talk," Father said.

"Oooo little bat is in trouble," Todd whispered to me, trying to hold in his laugh so he won't get in trouble either.

"You were late, why?" Father said.

"I was out with friends," I said quietly.

"Friends, like plural?" He questioned.


"Other than Jon?"

"Um yes, but he was also there," I answered confused.

"Where'd you go?"

"Jon wanted to go to the carnival so we were there since noon," I said.

"You're not mad?" I was confused.

"No, I'm not. You're hardly ever late so no. It's good you're having more friends. Do they go to the school or are they some of the french students?"

"The French students," I said.

"So then Marinette was there?"

"Yes," I said, still confused.

"Well you should go get some rest, you do remember they are touring the Daily Planet tomorrow. Jon would be joining you since his father works there of course,"

"Okay, then I'll be leaving."

I walked away trying to figure out the meaning of the conversation.

*Next Morning*

Everyone just got to the Daily Planet. Jon was waiting inside. When everyone got off, Jon walked out with the tour guide and the walked over to me, probably to hug me.

"Hi Dami," he said.

"Hi, can you let go of me now?" I asked him.

He immediately let go.

He then went to Marinette and Adrien and hugged them both.

Chloe, I finally seemed to remember her name, looked at Jon weirdly. Probably why he was wondering why he was hugging her two close friends.

"Hi Jon," Marinette said.

"I remember you, you were at the restaurant that day," Chloe said.

"Yes I was, my name is Jon Kent," he said.

"Chloe Bourgeois," she said.

"I'm Dami's best friend, my father works here so he let me come along so I can hang out with Damian and meet you all," Jon said happily.

"Your father works here? He probably knows Lois Lane, my friend Lila knows her, they are very close," said that girl that called Marinette trash.

Jon made a face and crossed his arms. His happy personality left as soon as he heard those words coming out of that girl's mouth.

"I think my father would know her, she did marry him," Jon said.

"Oh so you're her step-son," the Crocodile tears girl said.

"Step-son? You just said you are very close. You would know I'm her son by birth," Jon said glaring at her.

Jason must have told him about the liars.

"Did I say step-son, I must have confused you for the other guy in the pictures she showed me," she said.

"You mean my cousin? He's not my step-brother," Jon said.

"Oh I must have confused the words since I have a disability that causes me to forget things," she said.

"I don't think your mother would appreciate your attitude towards her good friend would she?" the other girl, the one with glasses said.

"Probably but she doesn't like it when people pretend to know her," Jon said.

"How dare you. How do we even know you're her son, you can just look like him and decided to impersonate him," the girl with glasses continued.

"You can ask her yourself when you see her," he said.

"I will," she said walking away.

"Jason warned me about them last time I saw him, I didn't believe him until now," Jon said.

He punched my arm.

"You didn't warn me I had to find out everything by your brothers," Jon said.

"I don't gossip like you guys, it didn't come to mind," I shrugged.

"So before we got rudely interpreted, was that your father at the restaurant?" Chloe asked.

"Oh yeah, he was discussing things with Mr. Wayne," Jon said, his happy personality coming back.

"Like an interview?" She asked.

"Yeah something like that," he responded.

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