【 21 】

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*Marinette's Pov*

Really right now?

I just made it to Paris to take care of the akuma. I needed to make this quick, it's always at the worst moments that I need to leave and need to make excuses afterward.

I ran to the akuma as I saw Ryuko already there.

"Hey, any idea where the akuma is?" I asked her.

"Kinda, I am trying to hold him down, it seems as if he is trying to get to the Eiffel Tower but destroying the streets in the process," she responded to me.

We both managed to find where the akuma was located as I broke the object it was in. I captured the akuma with my yo-yo and released it in the air once I purified it.

Once I saw it fly into the night I turned my attention to Ryuko.

"Alright then, I have to go. I'm with some people other than the team right now so I have to leave before they become suspicious. Bug out!"

"Bye Ladybug." I heard her say as I swung my yo-yo into the air.

I saw that the bakery seemed deserted so I decided to go in and take some pastries that hopefully my parents won't notice. My parents must not seem home. I went through the balcony to go to my room. I head downstairs for some treats as I put some into my yo-yo and grab two extra for Kaalki and Tikki.

"Tikki, Spots off."

I handed her a macaroon. She happily ate it while I handed one to Kaalki.

After they both finished, Tikki went inside my purse.

"Kaalki, Full Gallop!"

I then created a portal back to Wayne Manor.

I was back into the place I was hiding and detransformed.

"Holy shit," I heard someone say.

I turned around to be faced with someone I don't know. Oh my gods, what have I done.

*Damian's Pov*

Jason and I were still arguing when Marinette walked back in. She looked pale and was anxious.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Um yeah. Um, I remember saying you had another brother, besides Dick and Jason," she asked me all of a sudden.

Great, did she happen to run into him? He hasn't slept in days so he looks like a zombie.

"Yeah, I called him Drake but to others, it's Tim," I told her.

"Did you happen to see him? Sorry for his appearance, he likes to stay awake for long periods of time when he does his work."

"I think it was him I saw," she said.

"Did something happen? You seemed bothered," father asked.

"Sorry, it's just I was walking out of the restroom as I ran into him, scared me a bit," she said.

Alfred then walked in with some refreshments and some cookies. I saw Marinette grab on as she put in her purse. Weird. She must want on for later.

"Anyways, I decided I am going to put someone in your class's group to travel with you guys as an emergency. I don't want something like this to happen again," father said to Marinette.

"Really? Who is going to be the security guard?" I asked.

"Dick is, he told me he is willing to," he said.

Obviously, he is having someone in our family coming along. Can't even trust me to protect the class.

"If it's okay, I'm feeling a bit sick, can I head back to the hotel?" Marinette asked.

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