Chapter 1: A ProtoStar

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All you could see was darkness and you felt as if you were trapped in a cage with no way out. You were scared you didn't know where you were or what was going on.  You felt almost a door with your hand and it was cold. You then heard two voices a male and a female voice.  Mustering up courage you pushed on the door and you saw a hat wearing boy and a blonde haired girl look at you confused and scared. You stepped out of what appeared to be a locker and into a classroom.
"Who are you?" The girl pouted crossing her arms.
"I think...I'm Y/N L/N and you are?" You asked.
"I'm Kaede Akamatsu." She introduced.
"I'm Shuichi Saihara." The boy said.
"So where are we?" You asked looking at the two who appeared to be the same age as you.
  "I was hoping you would have an answer for that." Shuichi awkwardly laughed.
"Well the obvious is we're in a classroom but I don't know where." You said rubbing your head. "The only thing I can remember is being...abducted. My parents are so going to hear about this!" You declared pouting and pointing your finger in the air.

"Is it a girl thing to pout?" Shuichi asked.
"What's that suppose to mean?!" You and Kaede yelled glaring at him.
"Ah s-sorry." Shuichi apologized.
"Anyways just like Y/N I also remember being abducted." Kaede stated moving the conversation along.
"I was abducted too! Do you think it was the same people?" Shuichi asked.
"That would be logical come they abducted us and put us in a school. That doesn't make sense." You pondered.
"Maybe we should search for answers?" Shuichi suggested.
"Yeah that sounds like a good idea." Kaede agreed.
"Alright so let's get that door down but..." You trailed off.
"Hm?" Shuichi asked.
"To be honest I'm worried about messing up my uniform?" You admitted.
"Don't worry even if your uniform gets a little messed up you won't look bad." Shuichi reassured looking into your E/C eyes.
"Already making moves on her." Kaede laughed.
"I erm... umm let's just get this door down." Shuichi embarrassedly said not meeting your gaze causing you to snicker.

All three of you ran at the count of three using all your might you pushed down the door and just when you thought it was over you looked up and saw a huge machine that looked evil.
"Oh my gosh!" You shrieked and just when you were about to trip Shuichi grabbed your arm keeping you from falling on your face.
"Heck yeah found you three!" The machine yelled.
"M-m-monster!" Shuichi stammered.
"I think it's an evil monster machine but we should run." You said looking at the two.
"Right behind you!" Kaede yelled.
The three of you began to run away from the huge machine and you heard the machine calling out wait but that was the last thing you were going to do.
"When my family find out about this ugh!" You mumbled keeping up with Kaede and Shuichi.
"We can worry about that if we don't die first!" Kaede yelled.
"Look!" You yelled pointing at a door. You ran to the door feeling your heart pounding you felt as if you were in a horror movie. Kaede then pushed you aside and ran through the door first. You fell on the ground and you held your head and you could hear the machine coming ever nearer.
"Y/N!" Shuichi yelled and grabbed your hand and pulled you up and ran with you through the door. When you looked up and you saw a lot more kids your age.
You looked at Shuichi who was still holding your hand and you looked at him with a slight blush on your face.  "Ah Shuichi if I'm in trouble will you save me again?"
"I-I-I...erm..." Shuichi trailed off looking away you could see him blushing.
"Just kidding." You giggled bopping his nose.

"So more people have arrived." A girl said.
"Did you guys get chased by that monster too?" A guy asked.
"Yeah we did." Kaede answered.
You looked at them and they were all just as shocked and confused as you were. It appeared to be that no one knew why you were all trapped in a school.
"Do you want me to check on what's happening?" Another asked.
"You can't! It's too dangerous out there!" A girl yelled.
"Probably that machine is near." You sighed.
"Who even are you guys? Why am I here?" Kaede asked.
"Look at them blonde I don't think they know. They seem to be just as confused as us." You pointed out.
"And that makes seventeen." A guy spoke.
"What?" Shuichi asked.
"I'm talking about us there are seventeen of us all high schoolers. What do you think that means?" He asked.
You were stumped you didn't know what any of this was. There were so many questions you had but you had literally no answer.
"Heh I don't expect you to know so you don't have to use your last brain cells to try to piece it out." The guy spat.
"Why you little-!" You began to speak but Shuichi placed his hand on your shoulder.
"Oh right didn't answer your question. My name is Rantaro Amami. Let's leave it at that. I think this is all of us." Rantaro stated.
"What makes you say that?" You asked folding your arms. 

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