Chapter 20: Kubs Pad

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You awoke to the morning announcement saying that the Monokubs dropped off a present. You quickly got up and noticed a strange looking tablet.
"Man they always have to mess around thinking about it this is probably the motive." You muttered to yourself picking up the tablet and it read Kubs Pad.
"I'm not turning this on at least not yet." You decided and slipped it into your backpack. After you did that you finished getting and you headed to the dining hall. When you got there you saw Shuichi, Himiko, Angie, Tsumugi, Korekiyo and Kirumi already there.

  "Ah! Y/N! Have you seen Kaito?!" Shuichi questioned grabbing onto your shoulders and started to roughly shake you. As you looked at him you noticed his eyes were wide and he was visibly anxious.
"Shuichi stop shaking me!" You yelled but he only shook you more. "I-I haven't seen him yet!"
Shuichi looked into your eyes and then stopped shaking you and awkwardly looked at you. "S-S-Sorry it's just about this Kubs Pad. Did you get a video?"
"I didn't even watch it I assumed this would be a motive." You shrugged.
"Wow how brave of you Y/N!" Angie cheerfully laughed and then walked over to you and grabbed your arm. "Can I have some of your blood?" You immediately pulled your arm away and glared at her.
"Of course not! That's an insane question to ask!" You yelled and she just shrugged not caring.
"Ahh humanity is beautiful." Korekiyo darkly chuckled. "She already agreed to be a friend of Sister."

"When did I ever agree to that?" You sighed. "So these videos are motive videos by the way Shuichi is acting it appears that he got Kaito's so did everyone's get mixed up?"
"How astute of you Y/N. They have been mixed up." Korekiyo stated.
"When I woke up there was a Kubs Pad in my room but the video on it wasn't even mine." Tsumugi added looking at you.
"Tsumugi we should discuss this once everyone is here." Kirumi said glaring at Tsumugi.
"Oh sorry you're right." Tsumugi frowned.
"What do you mean once everyone is here?" Shuichi asked.
"Did you kill everyone else here? This isn't everyone." You stated folding your arms.
"Kaito and K1-B0 went to gather everyone else so that we may discuss our plans." Korekiyo answered holding onto his hat.
"That's where Kaito is!" You and Shuichi exclaimed in unison.
"Shall we wait for everyone then? Until then I can provide you all with massages." Kirumi said and before anyone could accept or deny that request the others walked into the dining hall.

"Y/N there you are!" Kaito exclaimed and pulled you into a tight hug.
"We gathered everyone!" K1-B0 announced.
"My word...and after I was just about to finally experience one of Kirumi's famed massages..." Korekiyo trailed off with his eyes closed.
"Are you saying I can't read the air?!" K1-B0 exclaimed.
"Why did you bring us here?" Maki sighed with an annoyed expression on her face.
"Didn't I tell you? It's about the Kubs Pads." Kaito answered.

"Well I didn't watch mine so I don't know the motive." You informed everyone.
"That thing that looks like another Monopad? That was a motive?" Maki asked.
"Maki haven't you watched the video on the Kubs Pad yet!?" Tenko questioned fear written on her face.
"No. I ignored it because I figured it was something stupid." Maki said closing her eyes.
"That's actually courageous two people haven't watched the video." Tsumugi muttered.
"So what are those videos?" Kokichi asked.
"No doubt they're more motives from Monokuma but why were they all mixed up...?" K1-B0 pondered.
"Yeah! Why Gonta get Tsumugi's video?!" Gonta exclaimed.

"Gonta you aren't suppose to say who you got and who you didn't get." You face palmed.
"Who cares!? We're gonna exchange them anyway right?" Miu growled.
"If it's a motive and everyone's video is mixed up we shouldn't show each other the videos because someone could use that to y'know kill one of us." You reminded.
"But they're videos of the most important people in our lives." Ryoma countered.
"Then we should already know who that person is. How could Monokuma tell us something we don't already know?" You asked everyone.
"So it's better to just ignore them?" Himiko asked.
"Yes." K1-B0 plainly stated.
"Th-That's true...If we ignore them then we won't have a motive..." Tenko trailed off.
"I'm against that. I want to see it." Ryoma stated and his face looked blue as if he was already trapped in despair.

"You were saying something like that before...That you don't plan on surviving. It might not matter to you whether you get killed or not but...We're different! We all want to live! Wake up already! You're like some zombie wandering around with no will to live!" Kaito angrily yelled walking up to Ryoma and shoving him. Ryoma just looked up at Kaito and then pulled down his hat.
"No will to live huh? Hmph if that's how you see me then so be it." Ryoma smirked. "But I've got no plans to change my opinion that's just not cool."
"Wh-What did you just say that!?" Kaito inquired.
"Who cares? Ryoma just stated his opinion. It's like if I said Y/N looks like a gorgon. You don't have to agree to it." Kokichi slyly smirked looking at his hand.
"Don't you ever insult my North Star ever again or else!" Kaito roared.
"Why because she's your girlfriend now?" Kokichi laughed and everyone gasped.

"What!?" Miu shrieked.
"Is that true?" Tsumugi asked looking at you and Kaito.
"Oh it is. Shuichi and I saw them kissing." Kokichi smirked.
Maki then turned to Kokichi and gave him a death stare. "It must suck to be you. You had to tell everyone their personal business instead of letting them tell us when they're ready. You're repulsive."
"It's true Y/N and I are together and I couldn't be happier!" Kaito announced and kissed your cheek causing you to giggle and everyone but Kokichi to aww.

"Kokichi is just causing trouble as always if we actually care about not dying we shouldn't see the motive videos." You explained to the group and then Kokichi shook his head.
"Don't get the wrong idea. I'm not saying we shouldn't care about killing or dying but I think it'd be better if we didn't cooperate with each other..." Kokichi smirked his purple eyes gleaming with mischief. "Actually we definitely shouldn't cooperate with each other!"
"We shouldn't cooperate? Why not!?" Tenko shouted pointing at Kokichi.

"Think back to all of Monokuma's actions so far. Whenever we tried to work together Monokuma would retaliate with a plan to make us suffer. It happened when Kaede wanted us to cooperate and again with these motive videos right? Which means the more we try to cooperate the more he'll try to make us suffer." Kokichi explained and you glared daggers at him.

"So what do you propose we do? Not cooperate? Not work together? Not trust each other so Monokuma won't make us suffer? So we just make ourselves suffer constantly worrying about who's going to play the game and who's going to be the next victim? Instead of actually working together trying our best to prevent another death and figuring out a way out besides participating in this life or death game? In which scenario are we most likely to die? What would be the point of Kaede's sacrifice if we don't cooperate? Her death would mean absolutely nothing if we don't at least try to work together. Think about it if Monokuma wanted us gone he could have used the Exisals by now but he has some kind of purpose of trapping of here and keeping us alive at least for this long. I rather trust the people I'm trapped in here with then the alternative because constantly being scared and having to look over my back and having that constant anxiety that's a fate on par with death itself." You asserted your claim and you saw Kokichi's smirk falter and everyone was looking at you with mixed reactions.

Kokichi looked at the ground. "I was just warning you guys for your sake. I can't afford to be seen with losers like you. So Gonta let's go." Kokichi then grabbed Gonta's arm and the pair walked out of the dining hall.
"Our sake? Yeah right I've had it with his lies." Kaito scoffed.
Everyone agreed and then everyone parted ways. You were walking with Kaito and you saw him run his fingers through his hair with a frustrated look on his face.
   "Did Kokichi really get under your skin?" You asked raising your eyebrow.
"I'm just tired of his lies." Kaito huffed.
"Don't let his lies get to you. They don't mean anything he wants a reaction so don't give him one." You said grabbing his hand and he took your hand and kissed it. 

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