Chapter 8: Sleepover and Accusations

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You and Kaede headed to the dorms and you both decided to have the sleepover in her room.
You both entered her room and Kaede's warm purple eyes were gleaming.
"This is going to be so much fun! You're like my best friend here even if we haven't known each other for long but when we leave we're going to have so many more sleepovers!" Kaede beamed giving you a hug.
"Oh definitely!" You smiled. "But what did you and Shuichi do in the library?"
Kaede then sighed and looked down. "Shuichi...doesn't want me to tell anyone."
"You can trust me." You reassured.
"I know I can well...Shuichi found a hidden door behind one of the bookshelves and he speculates one of us is working with Monokuma." Kaede answered.
"So Shuichi also doesn't believe that this is over." You muttered. "Maybe his timid intellect is right."

"Well we set a trap to see if his theory is right." Kaede replied.
"So do you believe one of us is working with Monokuma?" You questioned.
"I don't want to believe it...but wouldn't it make sense?" Kaede sighed.
"It's not something really anyone wants to think about probably but because Monokuma is only a robot and the headmaster and not the Mastermind of this game. It might be one of us." You looked away not wanting to believe it's one of them but it would only make sense.
"But we don't know and this is suppose to be a sleepover of fun not sadness we have enough sadness as is." Kaede said trying to cheer you up. "So tell me about Kaito?"

"Wh-why?" You stammered looking away.
"You've just been spending a lot of time with him. I want to know what you think about him." Kaede giggled.
"He's...a friend that's all." You answered feeling your cheeks heat up.
"You know Y/N it's okay to have a crush it doesn't mean you're going to like  marry him but you could just admire him." Kaede reassured.
"I'm smart with chemistry and math but stupid with crushes and all that." You sighed.
"So? Sure having a crush isn't something you can exactly study but the more and more you develop feelings for the person you'll get it down." Kaede beamed.
"Thanks Kaede but moving on from the boy talk you need to teach me how to play Clair de Lune." You said.
"Oh by Debussy I can definitely teach you that it's one of my favorites!" Kaede beamed. "I didn't know you like classical piano music."
"I adore all the feelings and emotions that song has plus learning the piano would be so much fun to learn especially if you taught me." You replied.

"I'll definitely teach you! We just have to get out of here first and then we can begin the piano lessons! Oh it will be so much fun!" Kaede exclaimed her purple eyes shining with happiness. "I could talk about piano songs and the piano in general for the rest of my life!"
"I would expect nothing less from the Ultimate Pianist!" You laughed. "It's like me with chemistry."
"You've saved so many lives Y/N I think you're Ultimate talent is one of the best." Kaede complimented.
"I like yours because you can just let all your emotions out in your songs and fill people with joy and happiness. For me there's always something bittersweet because there's always that one person you couldn't save." You frowned.
"If I had a piano right now I would play a song for you. Maybe Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata!" Kaede happily exclaimed.
"I'm sure that is an absolutely beautiful song." You replied.

You and Kaede continued chatting discussing a bunch of classical piano songs and chemistry facts. You also just talked about the whole situation and all the students here. Then suddenly you both fell asleep It was definitely the best sleepover you had experienced.  The two of you awoke to the morning announcement. With a yawn  you got up.
  "Hey good morning." Kaede yawned.
"Good morning." You replied.
"Do you think we should go to the dining hall?" Kaede asked.
"Yeah probably but you go ahead I'm going to get ready first." You replied and exited her room and went into yours. You quickly got ready making sure you weren't taking too long to get to the dining hall. You finished getting ready and started making your way to the dining hall and you didn't see anyone on your way there. You entered the dining hall and you noticed everyone was there.
"Finally you arrive." Kaito sighed looking at you.
"You should have seen how worried he was before I told him you were alive." Kaede giggled.
"I was just curious." Kaito mumbled looking away.
"You were soooo worried!" Kokichi teased.
"He looked like he wanted to kill you when you said that you killed Y/N." Ryoma mentioned.
"Oh yes he did he even grabbed Kokichi's collar and that's when Kaede informed that you were still alive." Korekiyo said.
"Sounds rather eventful." You laughed.
"I'm just glad you're safe." Kaito smiled.

Then the atmosphere changed into a positive atmosphere quickly and everyone had smiles on their faces.
"Maaan for a moment I had no idea what was gonna happen I'm glad it turned out like this!" Kokichi smiled.
"Yeah seriously." Kaito agreed.
"Nyeh...I slept well last night. Also I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth by myself." Himiko said.
"You did all that with magic? You're amazing Himiko!" Tenko cheered.
"Praise be Atua. Surely He helped you in His own mysterious miraculous ways." Angie calmly spoke.

"But...when someone coming to get us?" Gonta asked.
"Whoever does...I assume they will come today. There's no need to worry." K1-B0 answered.
You looked at Rantaro who had a frown on his face and you looked at Kaede and Shuichi who also had frowns. You could tell that they were also thinking the same thing that this game wasn't over just yet.
"Why the long face?" Ryoma asked.
"It's nothing..." Rantaro replied. "I figure no one would listen to some guy who can't even remember his own talent right?"
"What do you mean?" Kirumi asked.
"Really it's nothing. This is...quite the happy ending." Rantaro's smiled scratching his head.
"Too happy." You mumbled.
"Exactly... is this really how this ends?" Kaede asked.

"You're right it seems too easy. I can't fathom that this is over not... yet." You said and everyone looked at you and Kaede as if you two were a two headed monster or a person who killed someone in an envious rage.
"I wonder do you two wish the killing game would have continued?" Korekiyo asked.
"Why would we wish for that?" You asked folding your arms.
"I just wonder Y/N if you're working for the enemy or if you are secretly plotting our demise." Korekiyo stated glaring intensely at you and you felt your skin crawl.
"No I'm not working with the enemy and neither is Kaede it's just I have a brain. Monokuma is a robot who could just be remade and no one has arrived yet or no door has opened up. If you guys want to just be naively happy so be it but think about it realistically and if you do then you would know this game isn't over. I don't want this game to continue I don't want to die but... it's the only logical answer that this game isn't over." You answered explaining yourself.

"Stop ruining our happy moment you ugly brainiac freak!" Miu insulted.
"Stop being so naive!" You scowled. Looking around it looked as if no one believe you except for Kaede. The atmosphere was tense.
"And that's my cue to appear kuma!" A weird looking Monokuma announced as he entered.
"What?" Kokichi gasped his eyes wide.
"M-Monokuma!" Kirumi yelled.
"H-He's still alive!?" Kaito yelled his face normal.
"No no are you guys blind or something kuma? I ain't Monokuma kuma." The not Monokuma said. "After dying in a tragic car accident I've been reborn as a Yo-Kai! Call me Jibakuma kuma!"
"Jibakuma...?" K1-B0 asked rolling his eyes.
"From now on Im the headmaster of the Ultimate Academy kuma!" Jibakuma yelled.
"Stop being a fraud this is just crazy." You remarked.
"I have an important question haven't you mistaken ghosts for yokai?" Korekiyo asked.
"Man you guys are buzzkills I was all set for adventure before you started yelling at me!" Monokuma frowned looking at the ground and coming back to normal. "This is why I hate teenagers! I'd have cash for days if I was dealing with the under 10 crowd!"   Then the Monokubs appeared.

  "Does this mean the killing game is going to continue...?" Tsumugi asked her face pale.
"C-Continue? The killing gonna continue...?" Kaede stuttered.
"I don't think the killing game ever ended." You sighed.
"What a pain..." Himiko pouted.
"That's not the problem donkey face!" Miu screamed.
"Wh-What do you mean...the killing gonna continue...?" Kokichi frowned and his face looked like he was on the verge of tears for a split second but then he was happy. "I mean that sounds a lot less boring so I guess it's okay!"
"No it's definitely not okay!" Tenko yelled.
"So that's how it's going to be if we want to end this...We have to take down Monokuma and the person behind him." Rantaro stated crossing his arms.
"If we can just find the person who's controlling Monokuma then the game will probably be over but finding the person controlling Monokuma the mastermind of this game will probably be difficult to decipher." You stated. 
"You could say that again." Rantaro sighed.
"Geez Y/N why did you have to be right about the killing game continuing?" Kaito sighed with a petrified look on his face.
"Oh Ultimate Chemist you seem to think you have all the answers but did you expect this?" Monokuma laughed.

You and everyone looked at Monokuma waiting for the announcement and you were slightly nervous about what was going to be announced.  But when the announcement was announced you couldn't believe what you were hearing.

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