Chapter 5: Carried Under The Stars

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It was nighttime and when you looked up it looked like an eternally long black thread. The night sky graces the sky with ambient hues and it was peaceful despite the situation you were in.
"Isn't the night sky pretty?" Kaito asked.
"Yeah it's beautiful." You said in awe looking at the sky.
"I'm sorry you got hurt I should have protected you." Kaito apologized you looked at his face and you could tell he was feeling guilty.
"It's not your job to protect me and I'm not seriously injured. I should be thanking you for carrying me when really we met not so long ago." You commented and you could see he still felt guilty for a reason you didn't know.
"Still...I should have noticed sooner!" Kaito yelled.
"You carrying me to the dorm that makes up for it. Trust me I'm fine." You reassured getting more comfortable and you could feel his heartbeat quicken.
" forgive me?" Kaito softly asked.
"There's nothing to forgive you for you're determined to leave and so am I. I know we can find a way out of this killing game hopefully sooner rather than later." You replied grinning and Kaito nodded in agreement.
Eventually the two of you made it to your dorm and he walked you in and gently placed you on your bed as if you were a porcelain doll.

"Tenko and Kaede will kill me if they see me in here." Kaito laughed scratching his head. "So I'm going to go before that happens. Goodnight Y/N I'll see you in the morning."
"Goodnight Kaito. Thank you again for carrying me and caring about me." You softly spoke.
He turned back to you. "You don't have to thank me Y/N." He then shut your door and left.

  You looked at your door and smiled and when you turned over you saw Monokuma.
"Ah!" You yelled as you looked at the laughing Monokuma. You placed your hand over your heart again. Thanks for almost giving me a heart attack."
"You're welcome. But look Y/N you got that Astro loser to trust you. Now you could stab him in the back and leave the place." Monokuma snickered.
You glared at him. "I'm never participating in this stupid game! I'm definitely not hurting Kaito!"
"Trusting and caring about people in a killing game will get you killed or fill you with despair when the other dies. It's perfect drama for me! Watching everyone cry and be heartbroken it's great!" Monokuma exclaimed.
You looked at the bear with disbelief and with so much hatred in your E/C orbs and you shook your head. "You're...sick..."
"What a compliment! Anyway there's a reason why I'm here." Monokuma said.
"And what's that reason?" You asked.
"Think of this as a tip lock your doors. You never know when somebody is going to snap and they could snap on you when you least expect it. But of course if you trust these people that much it's your risk to take." Monokuma said and then left the room.
    You looked at the spot where he was and then looked at the door. You didn't want to believe Monokuma but you couldn't deny that the tip was helpful. "Why does that bear have to be right? It would be stupid to just sleep with an unlocked door." You sighed and locked the door making sure if someone was secretly planning your death that they wouldn't be able to get in. You walked back to the bed and you stared at the ceiling for a bit thinking about everything.   After thinking about the day you closed your eyes and fell asleep hoping that tomorrow would be a better day.

You awoke to a morning announcement and you put a pillow over your head not wanting to get up. But begrudgingly you got up and got dressed. You took your key and stuffed it into your backpack and then you heard someone outside your door. Opening the door you saw Kaito who smiled at you.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked.
"Way better than yesterday that's for sure." You replied.
"Everyone is going to meet in the dining hall. Do you wanna walk with me there?" Kaito asked and you shrugged with a smile.
"Why not." You smiled.
"If you feel like you can't walk we can link arms so you won't fall." Kaito said.
"Wouldn't that just be a burden?" You asked.
"Not a burden at all for the Luminary of the Stars!" Kaito announced.
You giggled shaking your head. "Kaito as your friend trust me I'm fine."
"I was just letting you know it's an option." Kaito clarified and the two of you began to walk to the dining hall.

As you two were walking to the dining hall you noticed Ryoma and Kirumi who smiled and waved.
"Y/N how are you feeling?" Kirumi asked with a warm smile.
"I feel much better. Nothing a bit of rest can't solve." You replied.
"You look a lot better. Yesterday all it took was a glance to see that you weren't feeling like yourself." Ryoma commented.
"I told her if she felt like she was having trouble walking she could hang onto my arm. But she has the strength of ten people!" Kaito complimented and then you saw Ryoma smirk and then glance at Kirumi.
"You know you are walking with a slight limp Y/N. Maybe it would be best if you did use Kaito as support at least until you get to the dining hall." Ryoma suggested and then lightly elbowed Kirumi. "Right Kirumi?"
Kirumi looked at Ryoma and then looked at Kaito and her eyes went wide and then she examined you. "I dare say you are right Ryoma. Y/N so you can feel one hundred percent I suggest to use Kaito as a support beam."

"Kirumi's orders." Kaito laughed.
"Oh really?" You asked.
"Yes it's imperative to your health so you can walk without a limp." Kirumi stated.
"Well if Kirumi's says so." You giggled and you linked arms with Kaito.
"We'll see you two at the dining hall." Ryoma smirked and then him and Kirumi headed to the dining hall.
"I wonder what that was about." Kaito said watching the two walk into the building.
"I have no idea." You sighed.
"Well as you're friend it's my duty to make sure you're okay and if Kirumi says we have to do this. Then I'm all for it." Kaito winked and you laughed looking away from him.
"You're ready for like anything. Come on let's go to the dining hall." You grinned and using Kaito as a support beam you two made it to the dining hall.

Danganronpa Gleaming Star Kaito Momota x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat