Well That Was Unexpected

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Author's Note: Please Comment, Vote, and Fan! I wanna know what y'all think! Love you awesome nerds!

"Liam is my mate." Emma whispered. She spoke so low I almost didn't catch it. I was so happy for her. Liam was a great guy.

"Emma, that is great!" I smiled at her, "Liam is really nice and perfect for you! I don't think you have anything to worry about him being out of your league or anything. I am 100% positive that he is going to be so happy you are his mate."

"Thank you Beta Martin, I kinda want to go tell him." She said then asked, "Do you know where he is?"

"First off, it's always going to be Aussie, never Beta Martin. And secondly, I do know where he is. He's out back, let's go, I'll walk you." I said, standing up and walking out of the office, following Emma. We made the short journey to the kitchen then out the back door. When we got there the boys were talking to my family around a fire.

"Hey guys! I want to introduce you to Emma." I said, walking up to the group. I saw Liam look up and his mouth drop when he saw Emma. "Emma has just informed me she has found her mate." This made Emma blush and made Liam close his mouth and look down, disappointed.

"Liam can you come here real fast?" I asked and watch him walk over.

"Hey Aussie, and it's nice to meet you Emma. Congratulations on finding your mate." He said, saying the last part depressingly.

"Emma, tell him what you told me." I said, smiling.

"Liam, you are my mate." She muttered quietly. I knew he had heard her with his advanced hearing.

"I-I'm your mate?" He asked and she nodded. The next thing I knew he was pressed up against her with his lips attached to hers. That kid works fast.

"Well, my work here is done." I said and walked to the small group, sitting down beside Niall. I felt his hand snake his way into mine, sending shivers up and down my spine.

"Wow. That was fast." Louis said laughing, almost repeating the same thing I said.

"Yeah it was. Liam never moves that fast with a girl." Zayn said, also laughing. Hearing the both of them reminding me that I needed to ask them something.

"Alright Zayn and Louis, I know that Niall here is a siren and a vampire, Liam is a vampire, and Harry is a wolf. However, I have no clue what you two are." I said, looking back and forth between the two. I noticed that Uncle Simon and my dad had left the group and Liam and Emma had taken their spots.

"I'll start! Zayn here is a bit complicated." Louis stated, shouting the first bit.

"Alright go on Lou." I smiled.

"I'm a full blooded siren. Both parents are sirens obviously." He smiled. Many humans believed that only females can be sirens but that isn't true, those are just myths, well technically all of it is myth but oh well. In the real world, both males and females can be sirens.

"Alright now what about you Zayn?" I said, looking at him. He then sighed deeply.

"I'm a banished angel."

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