Homeward Bound

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*Niall's POV*

                I could hear sobbing on the other end of the line and I saw Aussie's face drop then tears started pouring out of her eyes.

                "What-How did this happen?" She asked Skyler, completely sobbing. She didn't say anything for a few minutes, "Rogues? We are coming home immediately." She said, still sobbing, and hung up the phone.

                "Babe, what happened? What happened with rogues?" I asked her, getting worried.

                "My dad, a rogue killed him." She sobbed. I pulled over to the side of the road, unbuckled her seat belt and pulled her into my lap. She kept sobbing for about thirty minutes then pulled away.

                "We need to go back home." She said. I nodded and watched as she climbed back into the passenger seat. I drove home as fast as I could holding onto her hand tightly. Once we got there we explained to Dad what happened and started packing again. We managed to get all of our things packed in fifteen minutes. We walked out and I put the bags in the car. Dad would be sending the cribs and car seats and stuff later when they would be coming to visit around the time the babies would be born.

                Greg drove us to the airport and he managed to get us there in ten minutes. We got our things out and said our goodbyes.  We kinda ran up to the desk.

                "I need your first flight to California." I told the lady at the desk. She must have recognized me because her eyes got really big.

                "Our first flight to California leaves in thirty minutes but I'm sorry there are no more first class seats Mr. Horan." The lady said after typing some things into the computer. I handed over my credit card.

                "I don't care. I need two seats on that plane." I said. She did everything she needed to do and gave us the tickets. We checked our bags then ran to security. We managed to get through security pretty quickly and made it to our gate. We had to sit for a little while but that was fine.

                "My father is gone." Aussie whispered, tears forming in her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and she buried her face in my neck. I felt her tears wetting my neck.

                "I'm sorry Aussie. We will get back and sort everything out." I murmured to her. I felt her nod against my neck and she pulled back. She had tears falling down her face still and I wiped them away with my thumb.

                "I love you Niall." She whispered to me.

                "I love you too Aussie." I whispered back.

                We waited a few more minutes and people started boarded the plane. We were towards the back of the groups to board because of when we got our tickets. We finally got on the plane and started to find a seat. We passed a couple of young people and their eyes grew when they saw me. I thought it was kinda funny.

                " 'cuse me," A little voice said from behind me and I felt a tug on my shirt. I turned around and saw a little girl that had to be no older than five standing behind me with a woman who looked like her mother. She had big blue eyes and long brown, curly hair.

                "What can I do for you?" I asked her

                "Can I take a picture with you?" She asked in her cute little voice. I smiled a little bit and nodded.

                "Absolutely," I picked her up and turned to face her mom. Her mom took the picture real fast.

                "What is your name sweetie?" I asked her.

                "My name is Storm." She smiled up at me. She was missing her two front teeth.

                "That is a wonderful name for a wonderful little girl." I said to her and sat her down.

                "Thank you very much for taking a picture. She almost freaked  out when she saw you get on the plane." Her mom said.

                "It's no problem at all. She looks like a great kid."

                "Thank you," She said and walked back to her seat. I saw Aussie waiting for me with a huge smile on her face with more tears in her eyes.

                "That was adorable." She said and turned back to look for our seat. We finally found them and put our things in the overhead compartment.

                "You can go ahead and lay on me Aussie." I told her as we got settled. She nodded and leaned her head on my shoulder. It didn't take me long to feel her breathing slow down, meaning she was asleep.  I grabbed my phone and got on twitter real fast and followed some people, retweeted some things, and tweeted a few people.

*a few hours later*

                I have not been able to sleep at all. I've been so worried about Aussie that I just couldn't sleep. I leaned my head back  against the seat and closed my eyes, attempting to try one more time at falling asleep. It didn't last long because Aussie shot straight up in the seat, with tears flowing down her cheeks.

                "Niall, m-my dad," She said, sobbing. I pulled her to my chest and let her cry. I ran my fingers threw her hair, trying to calm her down again. Once again I felt her breathing slow down and this time I fell asleep with her.

                I don't really know how long we slept but it didn't feel that much longer before someone was shaking me awake.

                "Mr. Horan, we've landed in California." A lady said, still shaking me. I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I looked down and saw Aussie, she had her face pressed up against my chest, drool running down her mouth, and dried tears on her cheeks. She looked absolutely beautiful. I started to gently shake her up.

                "Baby, we're in California." I whispered to her.

                "He bit me," She mumbled in her sleep. I slightly chuckled and just picked her up. I walked her off the plane like that. We got a couple of stares and some girls even walked up and asked me for an autograph. I just looked at them weird. They obviously didn't notice the sleeping girl in my arms. I just shook my head and walked away from them.

                I walked to the things that had the luggage on them and noticed Adam standing there with our bags.

                "How did you know when we were landing." I asked him as I walked up to him. I noticed his eyes were red and puffy.

                "She linked with me on the flight." He said, "How long has she been asleep?" He asked, motioning to Aussie.

                "She fell asleep before we took off then woke up crying a few hours after that then fell asleep again." I said.

                "Oh, well let's go now. Skyler wants her sister." He said and grabbed our bags. I followed him out to the car. We got in and I sat in the back with Aussie while Adam drove. The ride was extremely silent. Twenty minutes later we pulled up to the large pack house. I got out first then picked Aussie up and carried her inside.

                Once I was inside I was three small bodies running towards me.

                "Girls, she's asleep right now." I told them. Emma, Grace, and Skyler all had tears in their eye.

                "Is she ok?" Aussie's sister asked me.

                "I don't really know. I'm going to take her upstairs now. I'll have her come see you when she wakes up." I told them, they all nodded and I started to walk up the stairs to our room. Once I got there I laid her down in the bed and lie down beside her. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep to the sound of her breathing.

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