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Each day that passed, the Dunatos siblings spent all of their free time training, their bodies thoroughly exerted yet simultaneously bubbling to the brim with power

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Each day that passed, the Dunatos siblings spent all of their free time training, their bodies thoroughly exerted yet simultaneously bubbling to the brim with power. Their body had undergone significant change, muscles grew like weeds, both siblings physically fit and lined with definition.

It was a Saturday, the sun was proudly beaming from above, the heat it radiated comforting. "We should do something fun today, for ourselves."

Elise nods, completely agreeing with her brother. During their time, he'd grown quite a bit of stubble and she yearned for a decent haircut. "Want to go for a hike?"

"I said, something fun."

Laughing lightly, she pushed his shoulder a little in a joking manner. "Let's go to a rage room."

Thoroughly intrigued, Asher complied, briefly remembering going once when they still lived in Michigan.

Less than thirty minutes of driving and a thirty dollar co-pay later, they were both dressed from head to toe in protective gear, goggles included. "Go crazy."

Asher had a bat and Elise held a sledge hammer, both Dunato's shared a smile before they both began. Breaking mirrors and tv's, glass and other debris flying haphazardly around the room. "Why haven't we done this sooner?"

"Because the fate of the world prevents us from ever having any fun."

The hour they spent inside flew by, a very large amount of stress released. "Don't you think it's a little screwed up that some unseen force chose the both of us to save everyone here?"

"I mean, it's definitely not ideal," Elise unlocked her car door, entering the drivers seat and turning the key. "But in a way it feels good to be depended on instead of being the one in need of protection. Plus, since you've learned about our powers, you've stopped looking at me like I'm so fragile."

"I didn't think that you were fragile, I was scared at how well you can compartmentalize."

Elise snuck him a glance, noticing how he was figiting his fingers. "I watched our parent die, like with my own two eyeballs. If I felt my feelings the way you guys expected me to then I probably would've just committed suicide."

"Why would you say that?" He whispers, clearly caught off guard at the blunt words. "How can you even talk about her like that?"

"Because Asher," Elise sighed, guilt settling in. "It's the truth." The car slows to a stop at a red light, her foot holding the break pedal as she peered over at him. "It's my reality and it is very dark but it happened to me because I guess, I can handle it."

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