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"I don't know what happened, one second she was here and the next she was gone," Emily stared at the large symbol on her deck. "—and we need to fix the porch."

Elise's eyes fluttered open at the sound of Emily's voice, she felt oddly energized even though she wasn't fully sure on what had happened. "I can have Asher fix that." She responded without a second thought.

Some of the pack members rushed over to her, the others most likely at home after the fight. "Are you okay?"

Filled with the scent of Paul, her body relaxed immediately. "I'm okay, I feel great actually."

    "Great, then can you tell me what the hell happened?" Emily was obviously disheveled, her hand gripping her imprints tightly. "One second you were right there and then you just vanished. Why didn't you tell me you just poof away like that?"

     A series of confused and astonished looks travelled around the little Uley home, each of the boys completely comfortable with morphing into giant werewolves but not the quickest to process the phenomenon of her being able to teleport. "No way you are that cool?"

     "I don't know how it happened, but my guides were leading the way."

     Sam's brows furrowed at her words, uneasiness settling in at the fact that she was something completely out of his jurisdiction, he wasn't able to provide her or any of the others with answers. "Your guides?"

      "That's what I call them, it's the original three keres, they were talking to each other and I heard them. They showed me how to—" Her words died off, she couldn't tell them that she was sitting in a tree eating souls with her ancestors. "–wait, the fight? You all are okay?"

The packs previous excitement of hearing about the grecian females new gifts completely disappeared. "Almost all of us, Jake's with Dr. Mosquito. He has to re-break some of his bones so they heal properly." Jared seemed worried, but they were all clearly just trying to get their minds off their responsibility to the reservation. "He'll make it."

"You should've seen us out there," Embry cut the silence, he clearly was still running on adrenaline. "I never knew how freeing it would feel killing those stinking bloodsuckers—like I avenged my ancestors or something."

"I did see you out there." Elise confessed, explaining in great detail on what it felt like to teleport and how she had been perched up in a tree watching, amongst other things. She even told them about the threat of Ares and how soon, he would be back for her.

The pack stood frozen, confident in their abilities on an even playing field but a fight with the literal God of War was frightening. What would he even look like? What would his army look like? "Ares?" Sam's voice was low, his obvious discomfort present. " How do we prepare to fight the God of War?"

Looking nothing but confident, Elise stood tall her shoulders square and her stance oozing power. "We won't," She confessed. "I will be, alone."

Silence remained for only a fraction of a second before the boisterous sound of Paul Lahote's voice echoed through the whole home. "Fuck!" His hand raised in a fist to punch the table but he stopped before he broke anything. Redirecting his anger, Paul stormed out the back door, phased and disappeared into the tree line.

"That went about as well as I expected it to." Her sheepish smile was not returned by anyone in the group. If anything, their faces held sadness and grief. "Come on guys, a little faith in me would be nice."

"What if something happens to you?" Embry starts, his wide brown eyes filled with fear of the possibilities. They were all aware that there was no way a werewolf would be able to slay a god but damn did he want to, just so she wouldn't have to.

Exhaling the deep breath she'd been holding in, she responded. "Then that would be my fate."

"Bullshit!" Leah expressed, her short hair perfectly framing her angry face. "Do you understand how devastated Paul will be if you die? How devastated we would all be?"

"Imagine how devastated the entire town, city, state or world would be if I didn't fulfill my destiny and vanquish Ares?"

Leah scoffed, clearly unimpressed with the answer. "Vanquish? Listen to yourself! You just learned about these powers, what makes you think that you will be able to get strong enough to kill a god?"

Growing upset in their lack of confidence, Elise decided showing them would be better. "Maybe my "love and light" approach on things deceive you from my true form. The keres feed and gain their power off of death," The females voice dropped, sounding more terrifying than they'd ever seen before. As she furthered in making her point, her blue eyes went black, covering even the whites. The sight alone made the wolves back away. "—did you know a keres bite is so lethal that it takes a God to heal the venom and that's just in their singular form. I am all three combined and at full power I will be in control of all things that go bump in the night." Her eyes flickered back to their normal state. "Don't confuse my kindness as weakness. Ares should be afraid of all the pent up aggression I hold."

Sam stood still, his imprint watching from behind his shoulder. "How can we help you?"

"Well for starters I will need a teacher. I need to learn control and patience and probably many other things to prepare. Are you willing to help me?"

Sam got down on one knee, one fisted hand crossed over his shoulder as a promise. "I will do whatever is necessary so that you can protect our people. You are our protector now."

Following effortlessly, every last pack member got on one knee and pledged their lives to Elise and her cause. Sam knew he'd made the right choice keeping her around, he could feel in his bones that this girl would be the beginning of their freedom.

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