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Leaving the hospital was the most freeing feeling Elise didn't know she could feel

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Leaving the hospital was the most freeing feeling Elise didn't know she could feel. Besides the tight feeling on her torso from the stitches that would have to be there for quite some time before they naturally dissolved and left her with a scar she hadn't even seen yet, she was much more happy to finally be out of the confines of a hospital surrounded with death and the burning smell of antiseptics. "Take it easy there, were already out."

"I just want to move, I forgot what it feels like to walk on my own."

Paul chuckled at her giddiness, him reaching over her to buckle up her seatbelt. "You'll forget again if you keep moving so fast." She shot him a look from the passenger seat that made him smile and receive a little smack on the skin of his arm that he barely felt. "Where to, beautiful?"

"The rez, I want to see the pack."

He sent a reluctant glance her way but the small smile she had steadily plastered on her face was enough for him to sigh and continue on to where she pleased. It didn't take long as it never did to get to Sam's place, the pack filing out the door once they heard Paul's truck pulling into the driveway.

Jared ran out first, shirtless and wet haired to Elise's door, opening it for her and carefully helping her from it before pulling her in for a hug while being mindful of her healing wounds. "Missed seeing your face around here. Em made you special pancakes.

Elise let out a squeal. "Red velvet and chocolate chips?"

"How do you always know? She changes it every time."

"I'm a fate, I know everything."

Paul lingered close behind his imprint and Jared, the brotherly figure to the both of them not being deemed as a threat to the wolf in Paul—plus Jared had Kim.

"My favorite blue eyed girl," Emily all but skipped away from the stove and hugged Elise, loosening her grip with the brunette hissed under her breath. "Sorry, sorry. I got a little too excited, I cooked for you. Paul said the hospital food was crap."

"I said it was shit," He easily corrects, enjoying the grimace it puts on Emily's face to hear the strong profanity.

A deep bravado of a voice emerged from the top of the stairs. Sam was dressed for once, looking more buff that Elise remembered and his dark hair was clearly just cut. "Missed seeing your face around here."

"Missed being around here," The hug was quick and warm, something Elise could never get enough of. "I wasn't made for bed rest and being babied all the time."

Before anyone could answer, Elise was jumping to another topic. She hadn't been in her natural habitat with the people who made her feel the best in what felt like forever, her foot was dipped in the water and now she was ready to dive. Anything that came to her mind spilled from her lips faster than anyone could register that her questions required an answer. "Where's Leah?"

"Outside with the boys, she tries to stay out of the house as much as possible."

"Right," The blue eyed ker nods at the response given, noting subconsciously how Sam glanced down at her torso, his brown eyes seeming to look through her clothes at an her healing wounds. She figured he was having flashbacks of what he did to Emily, the physically healed markings on her face a permanent reminder of the power he and the rest of the pack possessed. "How have things been going with Victoria?"

"She won't be coming on our lands anytime soon."

The small talk they upheld for a little lasted until the boys came piling through the door half clothed and damp from the swimming they had been doing moments before. Paul held onto his imprint when a specific member of the pack waltzed through with Bella Swan in tow. "Elise, I didn't know you got released yet."

"This morning," She quickly quipped back, hiding the shame of her hands under the table at the sight of Jacob Black. Each time she blinked her eyes she was all too aware of the the hatred in his large wolf eyes that wasn't directly for her but had been taken out on her nonetheless.

Peeking back at the dark haired wolf, Bella stood awkwardly in the doorway, avidly aware of Paul and the low, threatening growl that could be heard across the room. "I was just telling Jake about my graduation and if you wanted to come to a party afterwards, you can."

"She won't be attending," Leah appeared, avoiding all contact with the vampire girl and subsequently surprising all of the pack with her presence. "We all know what happens when anyone comes near you and your leeches."

"We won't hurt her." Bella held a look of offense, her mouth gaping open at the thought of the Cullen's hurting anyone. "I just thought maybe she could use some fun after—"

"—after almost dying," Elise finished, ignoring the uncomfortable shift in the room. "Thanks for the invite but I'll pass, I like to stick around with my kind."

The Cullen's pet furrowed her thinly plucked brows, her brown hair loose and waved down her shoulders and back. "You still trust them after what happened? How does that work?"

Nodding her head down to the visible teeth marks on Bella's arm, Elise answered easily, fingers picking away at the food Emily provided for her along with the many glasses of water to wash down the pain medication she was obligated to take even though now that she was okay and not bleeding out on the grass, her powers helped her heal much quicker. "Why don't you tell me first? Eternal damnation verses a few weeks in the hospital doesn't seem like too hard of a choice."

Her silence made Paul smirk, one large hand wrapping around her waist and keeping her close to him. "Were you just here to invite people to your party?"

"No actually," Bella coughed out, tucking hair behind her ear when she nervously answered Paul. "I'm spending the day with Jake so Edward and his family can—" The pack all looked at her, challenging her to finish her sentence even though they already knew her response. "—feed."

"Keep your blood babies business out of this house," Embry got the chills, more so out of disgust rather than fear. "We eat actual food instead of people."

Jacob gently guided Bella further into the home, avoiding Elise's gaze. "Just animals."

"What do you think we turn into? Fairies?"

"We were just leaving, we'll be back later for the bonfire tonight." Jake's scratchy voice announced on his way out of Sam's home. He felt too overwhelmed with guilt and shame of the things he'd done and seeing Elise sitting there acting like nothing had happened, like she forgave him so quickly mad stomach churn.

Leah, always the instigator called out to before Jacob was fully out of sight. "Are you going to apologize or pretend it never happened?"

Back faced to them, head half turned so the corner of his eye could catch the slightest glimpse of Elise. "I'm sorry, El. Won't happen again."

She didn't even have the moment to react to his apology, he was already out the door and as far away as he could be.

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