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The nighttime was beautiful here, the trees were swaying gently as a breeze floated through the air

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The nighttime was beautiful here, the trees were swaying gently as a breeze floated through the air. Bugs were singing their songs as the moon shone brightly, illuminating everything with its pale hue. "Night owl," Alice's smooth voice spoke beside her, she was dressed down now, only wearing a comfortable pajama set even though she wouldn't need to use them, but Elise didn't know that yet.

"Says you, you don't even look remotely tired."

The pixie like female gave her a small smile but her following words changed the subject completely. "You see something out there that I don't?"

Elise shrugged her shoulders, her blue gaze not wavering for a moment. "I don't know what it is, but something about the darkness brings out something in me."

Alice listened tentatively, topaz eyes focused solely on the brunette. "Like what?"

"Not sure, but it calls to me. Makes me want to act out on every bad idea I've ever had solely because I know I could never get caught."

"You sound very sure about that."

"Do you ever feel like you're more than you are?" Elise questioned her hands pressed tentatively to the glass that seemed to cover the whole expansive of the large home away from the town. "Like there's something else inside of you and you know it's there but you're not quite sure what it is or how to reach it?"

Alice bit her lip, taking a long moment to think and ponder. She wasn't exactly sure, she was a vampire and that's all she thought of herself as. She spent most of her days resisting human blood and keeping a lock on her abilities, and whatever time she had left she spent it helping Jasper get a grip on their lifestyle and keeping their secret a secret. "No, I can't say I have."

"I do, I can feel something inside of me. It's like someone telling me where to go but I'm not sure how to follow it." Elise sighed loudly, her head leaning forward to rest on the cool glass sending a shill down her spine.

It was late, early in the morning and she knew she had school in a couple of hours but the feeling inside of her created a buzz under her skin, pulling her and refusing to allow her to sleep until she found what her body was searching for.

"I'm going to go for a walk, I'll make it quick."

"I don't know, those woods are dangerous.You could get lost or hurt, it's not a good idea."

"I'll be fine," She was already moving away to shrug on a jacket and shoes. "I'll have my phone with me, I can call if anything goes wrong."

The petite, dark haired and wide eyed female was hesitant to let her go, thin lips opening to protest but it was clear that there wasn't any room for argument and Alice would have to comply to Elise's wishes. "If you're not back in an hour I'm coming after you."

"Understood," Brown hair was covered by a hood as she trudged outside her body disappearing in the heavy forestry. She wasn't sure where the hell she was going, but it felt right. Her feet stepped over fallen branches and pushed away leaves until she stopped at a crossing, water flowing soothingly through the middle trickling over rocks.

Elise looked in both directions, her steely blue eyes only catching sight of vague shapes but for some reals. she wasn't afraid, she felt most comfortable in the darkness like she was meant to be there. Carefully watching her steps, she slid down the separated rock mountain, being extremely wary of the water as she walked across the rocks her shoes only getting a little damp until she reached the other side using all her upper body strength to pull herself up on the other side of the woods.

Deep within her feeling grew stronger, pulling and tugging at her until her body worked for itself and started running through the trees her head dodging hanging tree branches until she suddenly came to a halt.

There was a wolf, it was unreal in its height and stature but it radiated heat and power. It was clearly dangerous, it's sharp fangs and even sharper claws that could easily kill her if it wanted. Elise let out a small gasp, one hand slapping over her mouth to silence herself but the large wolf had already looked in her direction, large clear brown eyes locking into her steely blue ones.

It's fur was an ashy grey, only the small patch of fur beneath it's throat a warm brown. A whimper passed the back of its throat as the creatures features softened significantly taking careful steps towards her.

Elise was as still as a board trying her hardest not to startle the animal away and instead of fear she felt peace in its presence. Once close enough, she could feel its breath huffing into her face, one of her hands reaching forward towards it allowing the large wolf to sniff her staying in place as it went closer. It's large snout moved to her neck making a sneeze of disgust at her smell and her brows furrowed in confusion, she'd taken a shower there's no way she smelled bad.

Her mouth opened to say something but it quickly shut when the ring of her phone sounded in the night. The wolf snapped out of its trance, straightening up and running away leaving Elise alone in the woods. "Alice, I told you I'd be fine."

"Where are you? I can't see you."

"I know I didn't stay by the tree line, I'll be back soon but I hope you know that if someone was hunting and in attempts to murder me you'd be the reason of my death. A cell phone ringing is a pretty good way to bring all the attention to me."

Alice let out a breathless sigh of the receiving end of the call. "I shouldn't have let you go in the first place, just get back fast."

"I'll be there soon, just wait for me at the door."

The call ended and Elise walked back the way she came, crossing the river and following the large trees she remembered passing until she could see the large windows and wooden deck that made up the Cullen's home.

Alice rushed out within seconds, hurrying the brunette back inside, her nose crinkling up at the wet dog smell that adorned her skin. "What did you do out there? You smell."

"Nothing and I can't imagine why I took a shower before I went to bed."

"What was out there that was so important anyway."

Elise paused deciding to keep her discovery of the large wolf to herself. "Nothing, just needed some fresh air."

Alice Cullen's eyes were trained on the girl before her, completely side-tracked by her unusual behavior. "We should head to bed before we wake up the others."

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry for scaring you I just don't know what came over me."

"Neither do I."

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