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Everything was too bright

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Everything was too bright. Too warm. Even though Elise couldn't even open her eyes, her other senses were sharp and on edge—all too acutely aware that the air was somehow fresher. Never had she ever felt the sun so bright, it felt like the golden rays were pulsing on her eyelids.

Four steady breaths and a hand visor prepared the blue eyed beauty for reusing her sight and what a fucking sight it was. "Holy shit."

She was on a mountain, one that stood hundreds of feet in the air, surrounded by gorgeous fluffy clouds that cloaked the vast seas below. It was eerily silent, the height surpassing even a chirping birds limitations.

As if it couldn't get any better, Elise finally turned around, taking in exactly where it was that she'd ended up. Words couldn't describe the beauty of the structure. Large golden pillars held up archways miles into the air just to accommodate to the lower level of the large castle.

A spiraling marble staircase was built to lead one to the main headquarters of the castle, massive statues of greek gods and goddesses were etched into the mountain—painted in the most vibrant of colors and adorned in the beauty of diamonds and riches that sparkled in the sunlight.

Elise walked slowly, memorizing everything her eyes could see and locking its gloriousness away in the safest, most precious parts of her brain. One hand reached out to catch some water from a flowing fall from up above—it was crisp, sweeter than any water she'd ever tasted before. "Where the hell am I?"

"Who the hell are you, is the better question."

Elise screamed involuntarily, her heart nearly beating out of her chest as she span around to face the unfamiliar voice. It was a boy who stood before her, one with brown hair and wide eyes. He wore fancy clothes, expensive silks draped his form and accentuated his lean physique as if it were made for him. "Who are you?"

"I am Perseus."

"Perseus," She repeats, disbelief settling in as recognition set things into perspective. "Am I on Olympus?"

"It's Mount Olympus, but yes—you are."

She raised a hand to rub over the lids of her eyes, wondering if she'd open them again and be back home in Washington. It was wishful thinking and when the black spots faded away from her vision and the same golden pillars stayed, her heart pounded a little harder in her chest. "I have to get back home. I don't even know how I got here—I seriously need to get a grip on this teleporting thing."

"Teleporting?" Recognition melted over the perfectly angular planes of Perseus' golden skin. One finger slowly raised, pointing at her as if to finally see her for the first time. "Are you one of the keres? I haven't seen one in such a form in decades."

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