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Billy Black had a kind face, one old and creased with wrinkles that told very detailed stories

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Billy Black had a kind face, one old and creased with wrinkles that told very detailed stories. The intricate wrinkles that gathered in the corner of his eyes showed a story of happiness and some pain, the smile lines at the sides of his mouth broadcasting the good times and the frown lines showing the bad. He was a whole book, one that seemed to close at the wheelchair he sat in. "Elise, I have heard quite a bit about you."

"I don't hang out with Jake much, so I'm not really sure how."

A friendly smile rugged up at the corner of his lips at her quick retort. "Sam Uley and his friends have been keeping an eye on you. For quite some time now we have been waiting for you to come to

"That doesn't make any sense."

"You're grandmother told us about you, your history and the gifts you were to possess. We have encountered your kind before and have become close with them. She told us mighty stories of her people and what trials they've endured much like what you've been beginning to experience."

Elise recoiled, her hands tucking themselves under her armpits, a way of trying to prevent whatever happened earlier to happen once again. "She knew about the dreams?"

Nodding pleased that she was beginning to open up to them, he continued. "You're kind are incredibly powerful and the dreams you've been having are like keys to unlock the doors of your gifts, small glimpses of what is to come." Billy was sure to talk slow, the brown haired female remaining rooted in her place, bright blue eyes watching him with such ferocity that ensured Billy and any of his doubts that this was for sure the woman that she said she was. "I assume that you have felt the pull."

"The darkness," Elise confirmed, the pull tugging onto her the whole night for as long as she could remember. She felt completely at ease in the night, the cool breeze and the chirping of bugs and the rustling of whatever could easily hide themselves in the security blanket of nothingness. "The night pulls me in like it's where I'm meant to be."

"Indeed, your grandmother experienced similar callings." Billy wheeled himself backwards, giving the teenage girl space to enter the Black's humble abode. It wasn't much, it was a small brick red home, the paint was chipping and there was a tarp on the roof—a clear sign that they were currently in the process of repairing a leak. The inside was homey, neutral colors adorning the walls and tribal mementoes hanging off along side photos of the whole family and a woman who would no longer be see. "I assume that tonight is the first time you've triggered an actual gift."

Elise nodded her head, the memory of what had transpired just hours before shining clearly in the forefront of her hind. "I don't know how it happened, Jake was just getting out of control and I just wanted to help. He wasn't understanding that it was me, I was right there trying to calm him down but he came at me so I threw my hands up and the next thing I know he's stepping back away from me and then I hear the whimpering. It took me forever to realize it wasn't his shift that was agitating him anymore, it was me, my hands were doing something to him and I was the one hurting him."

Billy remained calm, not showing any fear if he felt it. His warm brown eyes watched the teenage girl with a kindness that reminded her of her own father. "It wasn't your fault, you couldn't control it yet, but we'll help you with that. Obviously now more than before you can tell the boys aren't exactly normal."

"The lack of clothing in thirty degree weather was a pretty large red flag."

Small chuckles surfaced through the small home, the tension reducing significantly. "That as well yes, but I meant the shifting. The control needed to mask the urges can be handled very similarly which is why Sam will be helping you with that aspect, but please know that we can't help with everything. Your grandmother and I were very close and she revealed many things to be but I am not her, so clearly my touch isn't as accurate as hers would've been." His hands were crossed in his lap as he spoke, his useless legs resting on the holds of the wheelchair. "The book you found should help carry the weight I won't be able to lift from your shoulders. From what I can tell, you seem to be a fast learner, I have little doubts that you won't catch onto this quickly."

"Your faith in me is very intimidating. From what I've learned so far, having the power of all three of the ker is very dangerous. I—" Elise hesitated, moving her blue eyes gazed elsewhere in fear. "I could hurt someone and I don't want to do that."

"That's very possible," He agreed, not bothering to sugarcoat or lie to her. "Knowing the extent of your powers are unknown as of now and judging by how you're speaking right now you have a good heart and that will always be what brings you back from hurting anyone. Things will get hard but you have a lot of people here to help you and they'll be here to protect you and anyone else if it comes to that point. Have a little faith in yourself and it all will fall into the proper place."

The squeaking sound of weight on wooden stairs took away their attention, a shirtless and sweaty Jacob Black hesitantly walked into the front door of his home. "Sorry about earlier," His first words so sincere it nearly made Elise roll her eyes.

"You're apologizing to me?" She huffed out, stepping forward and pulling him into a hug, apologizing profusely in his ear before pushing herself away from the warmth of his muscular frame. "I didn't mean to hurt you and I promise I'll work on it if you promise not to come snapping at me like that again. You have some very sharp teeth, my friend."

The freshly phased sixteen year old laughed his deep laugh, shoulders shaking at the severity of it. "Deal."

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