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Waking next to the same body Elise had fallen asleep with was more sobering that she ever thought possible

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Waking next to the same body Elise had fallen asleep with was more sobering that she ever thought possible. Watching the rhythmic inhale and exhale of Paul's steady breathing calmed a worry in her chest and witnessing how he pulled in closer when her fingers trailed gentle paths across his skin made her heart jump a beat.

The sun was shining through the curtains but that didn't seem to interrupt the werewolf the slightest bit, his eyes still firmly shut and Elise still able to watch him in his element made her excited for the rest of what they'd become.

Until her phone rang, her finger slid across the screen without even checking the caller ID, which now that she thought about it would've been a much better idea. Hearing the worry in her brother's tone killed the mood, especially when his words were rushed and essentially filled with anger.  "No text, no call, not a peep from you. Don't worry your pretty little head though because I covered for you like a good brother. Now, why can't you be a good sister and give me some peace of mind that your actually alive instead of disappearing and not coming home without so much as a word."

"Are you done?"

"No, I'm not actually because you better have a damn good explanation—a spectacular explanation as to why I'm still a teenager and getting gray hairs because of my insolent little sister."

Rolling her eyes at his dramatics, she shuffled in the bed, trying to lean away so she wouldn't disturb the sleeping boy beside her. "I'm with Paul."

Silence, complete and utter silence filled the receiver, the only indication of life being Asher's not-so-steady breathing. "A boy? You're with a boy? Did you sleep with him?"


"You barely know him and you let him bone? Come on, El. I'm supposed to be the promiscuous sibling and here you go barging in and stealing my thunder. Did he at least wrap it up, he must've been good if you were throwing it out because you don't sleep with anyone ever."

Sighing into the phone, rubbing her hands against her forehead, Elise was more stressed than she should've been from freshly waking from a surprisingly comforting slumber. "I didn't let him bone, Ash. I actually slept with him, as is closed my eyes and rested. We didn't do anything."

"Not even a kiss?"

"Not even a kiss."

"Good, my reputation is still in tact. I'm getting beside the point, you're distracting me, stop doing that, I'm mad at you."

Her brow quirked in amusement. "Are you really?"

"Yes," A beat of time passed with silence before the truthful answer passed through her elder brothers lips. "No, but still, we have a rule El. If you're sneaking out you at least tell me where you are and that you're safe. You gave me a heart attack, I thought something had happened."

"Nope, no accidents car related or anything."

Asher's voice went soft. "That's not funny."

"It wasn't meant to be funny, I'm being serious because I know your mind was thinking the worst and I was assuring you so you could stop thinking it."

"Good, you're not allowed to die. I'm older, I get to do everything first. You're not allowed to steal my shine."

Tucking hair behind her ear, Elise's crystal blue eyes watched absently out the window. "You could just say you missed me, you know. If you were lonely last night all you had to do was call and I'd make sure you had a lullaby before you went to bed."

"Ha, ha, very funny. We both know you can't sing so whatever attempt you'd make would keep me up rather than the alternative. Anyways, stop getting me off topic, you and Paul?"

"He's laying right next to me."


"Yes," She replied, subconsciously peeking back to confirm her statement. "He doesn't snore or drool either if you were wondering."

Without missing a single moment, Asher responded to his sisters humor with his own—thought it might as well just been considered the same. "Husband material, you thinking of being with him?"

"I think so, yeah." Elise pulled the blanket from her legs, the heavy comforter combined with Paul's natural body heat was overwhelming and the cool breeze she was provided with after calmed her overheating legs. "He's a great guy, Ash. I could see myself with him."


"I know, it's weird. I don't like people but something about him just clicks. I feel so good around him, like I can be me."

Hearing the happiness in his little sisters voice was weird in Asher's ears, her mindset completely different ever since the passing of their mother. Out of all of them, Elise had taken it the best which scared him. She was with her during the crash, watched the life fade out of the woman who gave her life, and seeing how quickly Elise had bounced back worried him about the true condition of her mental health. But right now, hearing how truly content Elise sounded assured the fear he'd held for so long. "I'm happy for you, El. Just be careful, okay? I don't want him to hurt you."

"I will, but I have to go. I'll be home later."

"You spent the night at Bella's house last night after the movies."

"Thank you."

The call ended, Elise turning back to look at Paul who was already staring at her. "Talking about me?"

"Nope," She countered, obviously lying but he didn't press it. "Sleep well?"

"Best sleep I've gotten in years." One large hand lifted to Elise's cheek, fingers rough yet surprisingly gentle when running over her skin. "I forgot to tell you something last night, about the imprinting and knowing about us."

Dark brows furrowed, waiting to hear whatever news that was sure to come. "What about it?"

"People don't think of us as good people, they think were a cult and we're fine with people thinking that because we know the real reason. But now that you're apart of this, they're going to talk about you, say things and I need you to not respond to it. You can't tell anyone about us, not your brother or father. The immediate pack, the council and imprints are the only ones allowed in the loop."

"My brothers not stupid, he's going to ask questions and he won't believe me if he sees my powers growing and I say I'm not getting help from someone. He's nosy, he'll figure it out."

Paul shrugged, nodding at her words. "I understand that but you can't say the words, if he figures it out that's not our problem, we didn't everything we could to avoid it. The direct words cannot be said."

Elise sighed, she hated lying to her brother and leaving him out of a piece of her life was going to be difficult seeing as he was such a giant part of hers. However, this wasn't her secret to tell and keeping her mouth shut to keep her brother and the pack safe from whatever repercussions that could come from the secret coming out—she could do it. "My lips are sealed. I won't say anything."

Secrets always come out though, no matter how deep you bury them.

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