Love Declarations

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****Kennedy's POV****

The next morning would be our last time waking up in the Love Island villa and I think everyone was a bit sad at the prospect of that, however I was not going to miss the snoring and I couldn't wait to finally have a morning in bed with Teddy without being woken up by someone shouting.

"Morning guys! Our last morning in the villa" Toby shouted.

"We did it"

"Smashed it"

"Last time I'm going to wake up to your face." Toby shouted at me from their bed next to ours. "Hopefully the last time I'll see you and Teddy making a tent under those covers."

"I mean we can do it again for you now if you want." I joked.

"Don't tempt me." Teddy whispered as he gently kissed my forehead.

"Boys shall we make the girls coffee in bed?" Liam asked.

"Yeah boys." Teddy had my order down to a T so I kissed him and watched as the boys left us girls in bed.

"If you think about it we actually have them whipped." Millie said.

"I'm pretty sure if we asked them for a foot massage they'd probably give it to us."

"Teddy would, he'd be straight down there."

We waited for them to rejoin us and they soon came back in each with two drinks in hand. He'd gone all out for this one with extra whipped cream and chocolate sauce on the top of mine, keeping his plain and simple.

"I've got a text." Toby shouted. "Islanders, tonight you will all attend the Love Island 2021 Summer Ball, but first it's time to brush up on your dance moves #salsasesh #savethelastdance."

Teddy definitely had the hip action sorted as the boys made a conga, showing off their hip movement and persuaded us girls to join in, I could get the hips moving but I wasn't sure if my feet would do the same.

We got a special visitor once we'd all moved out into the garden as two seemingly dancers walked in. "We're here to teach you a little bit of salsa if you don't mind."

"I mean you can try."

They got us doing the simple moves at first, I could just about do that by myself but then when I joined back up with Teddy he was taking it very seriously and I was finding it quite funny when he was getting annoyed a me doing it wrong."

"Put that foot out first." He almost muttered, hands controlling the placement of my hips to align with my feet. "There you go."

"Spin me round baby." I cheered as we moved onto that and connected the moved together to have some sort of routine. He definitely took it more seriously than me but we managed to have some rhythm.

"Did you girls have a prom?" Millie asked once we'd finished and we were on the daybeds.

"I've been to three: primary school, secondary school and sixth form."

"For the sixth form one for me, some of the boys snuck in some alcohol and spiked our drinks so yeah I got unknowingly drunk in front of all the teachers." I admitted. "Not my finest moment."

"I've got a text." Kaz shouted. "Girls it's time for some R&R, please get ready to leave the villa #spababes #feelgood."

"We're going to a spa, we're going to spa." We cheered as the boys waved us off and we made our way out of the villa for some well deserved girl time.


"Here's to being at the spa with no boys." Chloe cheered as we got out drinks on our arrival. "Some us time."

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