A Little Help

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"Britain. They'll kill me!"


Japan just wanted to be protected by Britain, in case the Europeans would try to kill him after switching teams. He just couldn't fight for himself against so many people. He needed help.

And Britain was great at helping out his fellow friends.

UK shook his head, he started to pace up and down like a stressed animal. Apart from the fact he was a very stressed country instead. He started to think, but this was no help with his voice (Whom he named Stick as it sticked with him ever since he was a kid) telling him horrible things.

You're too scared. Because you're too weak. You're pathetic, you promised to them you'd help but now look at you. Hiding away like the little crying child you are.
Japan needs my help but I don't know what the situation is fully. He's only told me some things but I can't...i don't know the plan.
You're ignoring me again. You can't block it out...stop listening to the big guy and listen to your own voice! You don't know the plan because you're too interested in something else. What is that?
How could you be so focused on that? There's something else...i can see it. I can sense it. You feel the need for something. Don't leave.

Jack sighed as he stopped pacing. He turned to Japan with a look of guilt.

"Imperial, you'll have to fight with me if I do this. If they ever turn up. Because not now do I have to protect Soviet from being used and Confederacy with his culture, I have to protect you from being killed. You notice how much pressure that puts down on me? But if I'm protecting you you'd better be cautious with yourself. Alright?"

The Asian smiled and bowed.

"Thank you so much Britain. I promise I will also fight along with you. I just needed a little back up...thats all. Thank you again. I'm so sorry for letting this all happen in the first place."

"Yes yes. I forgive you...i guess. Just don't be a massive prick and go against us again, okay Catboy?"

"I won't, Glasses."

"You see everything about me and yet you talk about my glasses. So great."

They both laughed a little.


Japan was having fun with his new friends, can you guess? Goryeo and Qing. The three Eastern Asians. The Jap was happy he shared at least some cultural similarities with other countries in the human world. They all spoke about Myths and legends of their own country.

Del was happy for them but felt a little left out. Confederacy was there to make him feel included though. Out of everyone, the American was the most odd. He wasn't even on the same continent as everyone else. So distant.

The three Europeans sat outside. SS was listening to Soviet trying to annoy Britain again. It was entertaining.

That became even more better when the Brit slapped him around the face. Soviet looked at him, stunned. It didn't hurt at all, just surprised him that it turned to violence so quickly.

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