All You Had

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So. What happened in the past? All the time that Soviet spent here?

He met people, became friends with some. He met some enemies, he got intimidated by one. He spent a day with a man, stayed overnight. He laughed around with his friends, then started a fight.

That fight led to so many things.

Meeting people he thought were great. Great enough to tell personal stuff towards. People he believed he could have trusted.

Getting cornered by a psychopath, only to be saved by a car and a woman's crazy driving. Turns out, that woman and her friends would be their best friends as well. Britain's family even.

Then there was the confession. It went well, only about a day until the other agreed. They both really did love each other though. And all the arguments would be forgive and forget. No matter how worse they turned out.

An old enemy had appeared. And even more of their friends. Everyone getting along. What could be better? Seeing your son and your childhood best friend of course.

But not everything is great. Nothing can be good. You lose both of your friends towards the same person, the person you believed was good. No one changes. You can't change someone. That's impossible when you've already done something! You won't ever forget your mistakes no matter how hard you try.

And just before you go to war with that murderer, you meet another. The person who you believed you could trust. Betraying you right in front of your eyes.

So why? Why is this? Why are we at this point?

An ending has to be filled with surprises along the way. The starting point was long ago. Now here's the prize.


"Britain -"

Soviet reached out for him since he wasn't even getting the slightest bit of movement as a reply anymore. America and Russia stood side by side, wondering what had happened.

It looked beautiful.

A garden that was well taken care of.

Vibrant colours that made it seem tropical. Like you were in a jungle. Bright pink to scarlet twisting around the trees. The snow only made even more magical.

USSR gently put his hand onto the island's shoulder, staring down at him anxiously. Britain's eyes were wide, tears starting to form, completely stood still.

Was this how everyone was going to turn out. Could that even be a question.


Jack stared at the empires. They were gone then? Ghosts.

They had been killed? By what. By who. What caused this. This was all Soviet's fault wasn't it. Everything was his fault. If he hadn't done what he did by killing his father! If he had just listened to the Brit in the first place. If Soviet didn't fuck everything up and leave everyone behind just to see if someone else was alright.

Britain was too young to understand what he did. Right. He didn't know he was causing harm to the countries. Lionheart explained to him that people don't feel pain when they die. He said it himself. He was an adult who experienced it so it should have been true.

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