The Wrong Commie

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Another Childish Britain?

Also, French being called Frogs?

I'm sorry.
Still got Soviet in it though.


Jack? Tommy? Anna? So many nicknames that sounded great and yet he still earned the glorious title 'Great Britain'. What was so great about this child in the first place?

All he could think about was his ability to see things people couldn't.


Britain was sick and tired of being the youngest, he was always bossed around, teased and smothered. Like he was a baby or something.

He sat down in Wales's bedroom, wearing a fancy dress like he was some sort of princess, playing around with his brothers rabbits.

No he would never kill them, he loved them too much. Rabbits were a sign of good luck. We don't want bad luck on our side do we?

His favourite was a grey floppy bunny named Matilda. Britain had named her himself, it was a great name for a cute animal. So cute and fluffy.

The other rabbits were named by Wales, they weren't so great as Matilda but they were all the same Adorable.


"Britain? Are you in here- ah yes. What are you doing with those?"

England quickly entered the room, walking over to his little brother. Brit immediately stood up with the bunny in his arms and backed away, not wanting her to be taken away. Let's just say that England hated small animals that weren't dogs.

"Put it away."

"NO! She's mine!"

"It's a filthy rodent, put it back into it's cage...What are you wearing?"

"She's not a rodent! She's...bigger than a rat!"

"That does nothing to change the fact that it is a disgusting creature. Put it back now, Wales wouldn't appreciate you touching...his p-pets."

Englo grabbed onto the young country's shoulder and snatched the bunny out of his arms. Jack tried to get her back but failed. The man put it into its cage, staring at his gloves in disgust. Ew, Rodent Germs.

"Now now Britain, father wouldn't be pleased to see you in that...female clothing. I ask you to change immediately before you get into trouble."

"I'm allowed to wear whatever I want! You can't tell me to do nothing! Give me mah bunny back!"

"Don't you dare speak that horrid attitude with me young man!"


The man raised his hand at the boy, making him lower his head. A threat to slap him if he didn't quieten his tone.

"I will not tolerate your disobedience here. You understand?"

Britain nodded. He didn't like the feel of being hurt, it didn't feel nice. Well, being hurt never felt nice.
England sighed.

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