The Mad Queen

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Ruling a world isn't very fun.

You control many people. You control many countries. You control everything.

But one thing is for certain, you will never be able to control the behaviour fully. There will always be one to disobey your orders. That person is one you ought to search for and get rid of.


"He's been in his room for ages. He's not letting us in."

England explained, trying to open the door again. Scotland sighed.

"Just leave him alone for one second will ye?"

"What if he's in trouble?! What if he's unconscious?! What if he ca-"


Scott grabbed onto the man's shoulders, shaking him violently. Chapman pushed him away.

"How would you know?!"

"Because he's stronger than ya think. Jus' leave him."


From inside the room, Britain listened to his brothers. He hid himself in his little pillow fort made from all the blankets, cushions and teddy bears he could find. A nice little cozy safe place.

"What's going on with them?"

Lion asked, she sat opposite the boy with her legs crossed. She was worried for her child.

"They fight alot..."

Jack hid himself more, with the help of a large fluffy blanket he had stolen from England. Lion floated over to him to give him more comfort. Heart stuck his head through the top of the fort and smiled at the two.


"Hello Heart, what is it that you want?"

"Is the kid okay?"

"He's scared."

The Knight pushed his way down to the soft floor. He stared sadly at Brit, wanting to know what was wrong.

"Come on. You can tell me-"


"Yes. You can tell us anything! What can we do ay? We're only ghosts."

Jack smiled, he sat up so he could put his hand through the ghost. They both giggled.

"I think Father found my collection."

"Collection of what?"

"He found out where all the kittens were going."

"Oh no. That's bad. Right? What happened to the kittens?"

Britain wiped his eyes, he really didn't want to get into trouble again.

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