Carry Me Back

670 21 235

Does me killing characters and celebrating when I hear that people cry at it make me a Psycho?

Nah. I don't think so.

Lets hope the author does not kill anyone after this! And that they will have mercy on you guys.


Germany sighed, still no answers from Russia nor America. It had been days. Had they...actually gone and done it? They had left hadn't they?

He wished to go with them if they did.

"Vell zen Aubrey...ich think ve vill stay home today..."

Yeah, Germs wasn't feeling to great seeing everyone else. He knew for sure that he was going to miss alot from the meeting but hey, he missed Russia much more.

Aubrey, his German Shepherd of course, still sat beside him. She was hungry. That's all she wanted, food. Then maybe she would listen to the boy's rants.

"Vhat do zu vantzer?"

She barked at him. Germany smiled and stood up from the table, walking out of the room with Aub running after. Food finally.


Britain watched the ghosts laugh together in the kitchen, talking like they had forgotten the trauma they had experienced. It felt normal. Seeing the dead.

Soviet had an unsure look on his face as he stared at Brit and then to the kitchen entrance. He was clearly looking at something but Sov didn't know what. Daydreaming again...


The island jumped, turning around to see the tall union standing behind him with worry.


"You alright?"

"Uhm. Yeah...yeah I'm...fine I guess. Still...thinking."

"About what?"

USSR walked closer to him. He put his hands on the Brit's shoulders as he smiled warmly, making the country smile back. It was a scared smile though.

"W-why not...wait? For...Him to come here? He can't do any damage when we're not there. He can c-come to us instead?"

"That's actually a good plan. Tell you what, I'll see if...they all agree okay?"

Jack frowned and looked down, he glanced over to the kitchen again where Japan was laughing along with CSA. He wished to join them sometime.

"Hey...what's wrong?"

"Didn't...can't we spend time t-together?"

"Hm? Sure, I just have to see what everyone else is doing and then I'll join you. Alright?"

"Mmn...yeah. I'll be up in my room..."

"Okay then-"

Sov tightened his grip on the countries shoulders at the memory of last time when he left him alone upstairs, but that wasn't going to happen a second time.

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