One Tall Lady

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Prussia jumped at the sudden noise and looked up. Ottoman.

He had been kept in a pit in the ground, metal bars keeping him from flying out. Not like he could fly though as Mayan and Vichy decided to rip out alot of his feathers. How painful it was to experience.
The Pit was plain and the walls were made of brick. Seemed like this place used to be a basement. The house was completely destroyed in the war then, only small bits of wood and rock was left.

"What do you want now?"

Prussia asked, still looking up.

"You hungry?"

"No, not at all."

"Good. Here you go."

Ottoman threw down a dead pigeon, it landed with a splat which made the German gag. It was teasing to see how big the gaps were between each metal bar. You could've got out if you squeezed through.

"Have fun."

The empire walked away, leaving Prussia with the dead bird. How did they get it in the first place? Upon closer inspection it looked like it was caught and ripped apart by some sort of animal. No, that wasn't an animal. Mayan had caught this bird himself. Prussia gagged again and stepped away, not wanting to be anywhere near it.


Ottoman stared at the two Curos, worried about Martial.

"Maybe he's dead?"

Vichy answered as he grabbed a brick. Mayan yelped as the European threw it at him.

"Stop trying to kill each other again. He's to strong to be dead. To sneaky."

"Is that why he's your favourite?"

Maya asked, throwing another brick back at Vichy. A hit! The Avian laughed as the frenchman held onto his arm in pain. Otto rolled his eyes and walked up to the Central American.

"I'll stop. I'll stop."

The Empire grinned, showing his sharp teeth. Mayan lowered his head as the man grabbed onto his arm. He flinched.

"Listen when spoken to, Maya."

Ottoman let go and laughed at the avian's fear.

"We'll wait until tomorrow, and if goldy doesn't come back I'll plan on finding him."

"Or we can be your favourite!"

Vichy smiled, still holding onto his arm. Otto shot evils at him and started to make his way over the rubble. Going back towards the hostage.


"So you are together?"


Mongol didn't know what it was. But all she knew was that Robin had a chance of being with someone for once, and not be a lonely man anymore. She cared for other countries that needed to socialise. Before they became something like a Curo.

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