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Darius's POV

It hurt. It hurt everytime she said something like this. I know I have messed up, quite a lot. I'm guilty. I'm the reason for her sadness.

That moment when I first saw her face after eight months, I miss it. She had shown me her vulnerable side. I had seen her feel every emotion and she trusted me.

But now?

Now, she's like a cold stone wall and she doesn't trust me.

I had seen her smile until we reached the castle. She was opening up to me but I closed her off. And now that I'm trying to open up to her, she's closing me off.

I don't blame her in any way, 'cause, at the end, it's my fault.

That whole month, was hard. Real tough.

She would try to escape at every chance she would get. One day she managed to sneak out at the night but I caught her scent and I found her about to jump off the wall. I took her back in.

The next time she made sure to cover her scent and crossed the gates of the castle. If it wasn't for the guard to mind-link me in time, I would have lost her.

And then, there was this one time when she knocked out the guards so they wouldn't mind-link me but luckily, that was the time I was coming back and saw her running away in the dark. I chased her and brought her back in again.

Gosh! This girl needs to realise that their is no safe place for her, other than the King's castle.

"Alpha Darius." I snapped my head up at the Omega. He visibly gulped and bowed. "The King said that he wants you to brand Ms Cassandra into your pack as soon as possible."

I sighed. Not this now. She doesn't even agree to live here and he now wants me to brand her into my pack? Boy, she'll kill me!

"I'll see what I can do." I tell him. He nodded and walked out of my office. I was about to get back to the work when the door flung open and Victoria came in.

She was wearing a bright red dress and looked like she was going out somewhere.

"You need something?" I asked. She shook her head with a smile.

"Nah. Since you have been working this late at night, I thought you'd need this." She smiled, way too big as an Omega stepped in with a tray in her hands and placed it on my desk.

"What's this?" I asked, eying the green liquid inside.

"It's a special tea that will help you with relaxing." She said. I nodded and got back to work.

"I'll drink it later. Thank you." She frowned and pouted a little before sitting on the couch, crossing her arms and legs.

"I'm not leaving until you drink it." She said. I sighed.

"Please sit." I mumbled, sarcastically.

"You know, Darius," she leaned in, "I read somewhere that sometimes, when two mates cannot feel the matebond, they create it." I looked at her, raising my eyebrow. "Maybe, we are mates too and we need create our own bond."

"Alpha Darius! I just saw Cassandra making her way out of the castle through the back." I got mind-linked.

I got up and ran to the back of the castle.

"Cassandra!" I yelled. She stopped for a second before sprinting into the woods. I groaned and shifted into my wolf form, running after her.

As soon as I was in the woods, I just couldn't find her. It was as if she had disappeared into the air.

I growled.

I tried to mind-link her but she wouldn't respond. A few steps further into the forest and I heard her sobs.

She was crying.

No, she was having a mental breakdown.

I followed after the voice and found her under a tree with her head buried in her hands, desperately trying not cry.

I shifted into my human form, kneeling in front of her.

"G-get away f-from m-me." She said between sobs, not even looking up.

"Cass, let's go back. Come." She shook her head, still crying. "What's wrong, Cass?" I asked, lifting her head up, caressing her cheek.

"My hair are turning white, I can't shift into my wolf. I feel like I'm dying!" She said with teary eyes. My eyes widened.

I know her hair has been changing but I never commented on it. She can't shift? That's not even possible.

"You can shift, Cass. It just might be that... Maybe your wolf is tired or something." I said. She shook her head. "Okay. Listen to me, yeah? Try one more time in front of me. I'll help you."

Her bones cracked and she looked down, trying to focus on shifting. I saw those cracked bones going back in place again, not letting her shift.

I lifted her face up and gasped when I saw the colour of her eyes.

"Cassey..." I trailed off. "Your eyes are...purple."

"What?" She asked, surprised herself.

"Why are they purple? They're supposed to be golden yellow." I said, staring deep into her wolf eyes.

"What does that mean?" She asked as her eyes turned back to deep blue.

"I...don't know."

"Am I dying?" She asked, her bottom lip trembling. I cupped her face, shaking my head.

"You're not dying, Cassandra. I think you're...evolving." I said with a smile.

"What's that?"

"I'm not sure but, it makes you stronger, smarter and one step ahead from the others. And moreover, it makes you special and rare." I wiped her tears.

"How?" She asked.

"I don't know but, there's a guy who can tell us more about it." I tell her. "We can meet him tomorrow if you want."

"Yeah?" I nodded.

"For now, don't say a word to anyone about it. We are still not sure what it is, okay?" She nodded. "Let's go back."

"What about your clothes?" She asked, shying the very next second.

"I'll tell one of the omegas to bring it at the back of castle. And that reminds me now, how the hell did you found out that there was a way from the back of the castle too?" I asked in a teasing tone. She giggled.

She looks beautiful like this. Not glaring at me, not angry with me and moreover, not being a cold stone wall.

But then again, she has always been beautiful, not matter how she is.

I pressed my lips to her forehead before helping her up and walking to the castle.

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