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Cassandra's POV

I woke up, soaked in his warmth. I had my head buried in his chest with his chin resting on top and our arms pulling each other close.

I smiled at his peaceful face and tilted my head up, kissing the corner of his lips.

Half asleep, he pulled me closer to his chest and breathed out.

"Morning." I mumbled, snuggling into him.

"Mornin'." He rasped.

"Want me to call our breakfast in our room?"


I mind-linked the head chef of the kitchen and pulled out of Darius's arms, leaving him whining. I chuckled and slipped inside the shower.

By the time I got out, drying my hair with a towel, I found Darius taking our breakfast from the Omega and thanking him before closing the door and placing the plates on the nightstand.

He turned around and smiled at me. "I'll be back." He said, placing a kiss on my cheek as he walked past me into the bathroom.

I made the bed before sitting on it and inhaling the delicious smell of our food.

Eggs and sandwiches.

The soft knock on the door made me look up. By the smell, I could tell it was Annette.

I got the door and she ran in with a pout.

"Hey, Ann." I frowned. "What's wrong?"

"My dads are fighting." She climbed onto the couch and huffed.

"What? Did something happen?" I asked, walking towards her and sitting down beside her.

"I don't know. I woke up because of them whispering things and when I asked what happened, Dad G said, 'nothing, honey' and Dad J said, 'Your dad doesn't trust me' and they started all over again." She pouted.

"Aw, Ann. Don't worry your little head about it. I'm sure they'll be fine and if not, Darius and I will talk to them."

"Thank you." She hugged me with a smile. She looked behind me and her smile grew even wider. "Alpha Darius!"

"Hey, Annette. Wanna have breakfast with us?"

The three of us had breakfast, all while me mind-linking Darius about Gideon's and Jarvis's fight while Annette munching on the sandwiches.

"They will be fine. We will talk to them." He assured me.


"Josephine is alive!?" Jared, my dad, screamed in joy, looking at me with stars in his eyes. I nodded happily.


He engulfed me into a big warm hug, tears forming in his eyes. "Cass," he chuckled, wiping the corner of his eye. "I can't believe this. I didn't remember the last time I was so happy."

I smiled and hugged him back.

"We will throw a ball in celebration of her. Tell her, yeah?"

"Of course." I chuckled.

"I'll go make the announcement." He kissed my temple and went off.

I smiled watching him be so happy.

"Luna," I turned around and faced Travis. "I came to tell you that all of us have settled well in the new packhouse and thank you."

"It's no worries, Travis." I patted his shoulder and smiled, walking off. "Oh, and tell everyone we have a ball tonight in return of Josephine Michelson."

"Yes, surely."

I walked out and around the castle, checking on pack members, warriors and things when I saw Jarvis sitting on the castle wall, looking ahead.

Without a word, I sat jumped the wall and sat next to him. "Hey."

And all I got was a 'hmm'.

"That bad of a fight, huh?"

"He doesn't trust me. He says I'm overreacting." He huffed.

"About what?" I raised my eyebrow. He paused and looked at me for a moment before sighing and looking away.

"Forget it. You might have my head after I tell you."

"Oh, no. You can tell me."

"Cassey." I turned around and saw Darius. "Come on down, it's important."

I looked at Jarvis who rolled his eyes. "Go on. I might as well find my mate and apologise. He's probably right."

"You too, Jarvis."


We were at Gideon's place. Darius and me sat by the desk while Jarvis and Gideon got all lovey dovey in front of us.

"I'm sorry, you're right." Jarvis sighed, taking Gideon's hand in his. Gideon looked at him guiltily.

"No, I'm sorry. I've given a thought to what you said and you could be right. I trust you."


"Oh, shut it!" I groaned in frustration. "Why am I here for?"

"Right, so, Jarvis thinks that-" Gideon was cut off when the door slammed open and my mom stood in the door, smiling at me.

I noticed the shift in the energy of the room.

"Mom!" I smiled, walking to her and hugging her. "What are you doing here?"

"I was informed of the ball and I believe we have some shopping to do." She giggled. "Oh, are these your friends?"

"Yes." I smiled. "That's Jarvis. He's a hybrid. That's Gideon, a witch- wizard." I corrected my throat when I received that glare from Gideon. "And they are mates."

"Is that so? A man loving another man? Is that even allowed?" She said with a mocking smirk and I almost gasped, looking at her with wide eyes.

"Mom. What are you saying?" I look at her, hurt.

"I'm kidding, darling." She laughed. "Let's go. We have shopping to do."

We reached a boutique and started looking through the dresses. While shopping, let's say, her comments and suggestions...disturbed me a little.

"You should wear that red one. It shows some skin."

"Oh wait, how about that blue one? It has a sexy cut between the breasts. Oh, no. But they won't suit you. You're almost flat."

And when I would ask her what's with this behaviour of hers, she'd say she's joking.

In the end, she choose a black dress that showed her legs and her breasts.

Not that I have a problem with it. It's just... unusual to me.

I got a purple, full length gown as the boutique owner told me it went well with my eyes.

We stopped at the castle gates and I slowly turned to her.


"Yes, honey?" She asked.

"I'm sorry I didn't stay with you when the fire incident happened. You asked me to help you so many times and I was...I was just so scared I couldn't move and..and I ran. I'm sorry. I should have helped you."

"It's all long forgotten, darling." She grinned.

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