Thirty Eight

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Darius's POV

After the King agreed to help us, we were given rooms in the castle to rest. I couldn't, so I came out for a walk in the middle of the night.

My ears perked up when I heard flapping of wings. I turned around, hurriedly and saw the red dragon from earlier.

I stayed alarmed for a few minutes but then the dragon sat down beside me quietly and I sighed.

I see Cassandra's smiling face whenever I close my eyes. It pains me to think that she might not be smiling anymore.

"Alpha Darius." From my left, Calliope was walking towards us with hands behind her back. She peeked to aside and smiled. "I see Baby Calliope has taken quite a liking towards you."

The dragon?

"Ah, yes." I cleared my throat, looking at the dragon who was smiling at me.

"Can't sleep?" She asked, taking a seat next to me on the grass.


"Your mate," she started, "what is she like?"

A smile formed on my face when I thought about Cassandra. "She's feisty, really, really feisty. She's the strongest werewolf I have ever seen. She could even take me down in a fight." I chuckled and so did she. "And, she's beautiful. Her mind, her heart. She's beautiful."

I turned to Calliope and saw a soft smile on her face. "I feel the same way for Leon. Except that, if we fight, I'll win." She grinned.

"What creature is Leon?" I asked. "I've been very curious about it."

"He's the Almighty. He is basically a human with supernatural powers. He can even freeze time." She said. "He is looking for your mate, right now."

"Thank you for your help." I said to her.

"It's no worries. It's our job." She shrugged. She looked at the dragon and stood up. "I'll go. You should rest too." I nodded. "C'mon, Baby Calliope."

The dragon flew behind her and they walked away.

I laid back on the ground, looking up at the starry sky.


"What are you doing?" She giggled as I sneaked into her room through the window.

"I wanted to be the first to wish you happy birthday." I shrugged and closed the window behind me.

"Okay..." She rolled her eyes, smiling anyway and looked at the clock. "Two minutes." She said.

We sat on the floor of her room, silently looking at each other.

The clock struck 12.


"Happy Birthday, Cassandra, my love." The door to her room opened up and Josephine stepped in with a cake in her hand. " May your-" her gaze fell on me, I sheepishly smiled. "Oh." She held my gaze for a minute before sighing. "The window?"

"Yeah. Sorry." I mumbled. "I'll go."

"Oh, silly. Sit back down." She said, playfully glaring at me.

"Happy birthday, Cassie." I looked at the door and saw my brother standing there. "You dummy, you are already here?" He laughed, looking at me.

"I wanted to wish her first." I pouted.

"Yeah, but forgot your gift at home?" My eyes went wide as he said that.

"Oh no!"

He laughed, sitting down beside me. "Let's eat the cake Mommy Michaelson has made."

Cassandra blew out the '8' shaped candle and grinned at all of us. Josephine helped her cut the cake and they fed each other before looking at us. Cassandra fed me the cake first and beamed with joy. Davien laughed at me and wished her again. She thanked him, hugging him and kissing him on the cheek.

"What a lovely family I have!" Josephine exclaimed. "A beautiful, brave daughter," she kissed Cassandra's head and she giggled, "and two annoying sons." She looked at me and my brother and laughed.

I pouted while Davien laughed. "You love us though."


I missed all of them. Davien, Cassandra and Josephine.

"Darius." Startled, I wiped the tear that had rolled down my cheek and turned to my left. It was the King.

"Your majesty." I said, standing up. He smiled and shrugged, gesturing me to sit back down.

"Leon is fine for now." He said, sitting beside me. "Calliope told me you were here." I nodded. "Why don't you go to sleep?"

"I can't." I tell him. He nodded.

"You didn't tell me the Blood Queen is your mate's mother." He looked at me.

"Josephine is not the Blood Queen. Blood Queen's soul is inside her body."

"Still, you should have told me."

"How did you find out, though?" I asked.

"I saw it." He paused and looked at me. "I found your mate."

My eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yes." He smiled though it seemed forced. "She's alive but unconscious."

"Where is she?"

He visibly winced and sighed. "In the Prisoners Realm."

"What is that?" I frowned.

"It's where the high levelled criminals are kept. Basically, hell but before dying." He said and his eyes softened. "She's in one of the cells with Blood Witches around her."

My throat tightened painfully. "I-Is she okay?"

"Not for long."

"How do you get there?" I asked, getting on my knees.

Leon looked at me with a painful smile. "That's the thing, you see. You can go in there, but cannot come out."


"Well, at least legally, you can't." He said. "I can send you in there but cannot get you out."


"What?" Gideon whispered in shock, frowning at Leon.

"Yes. You heard me right." Leon nodded. "There's no way to get out of the Prisoners Realm."

"Wait, no." Gideon said, defensively. "There has to be a way!"

Calliope's eyes softened as she looked at Gideon. She slowly turned to Leon, placing a hand on his arm. He looked at her with the same softened expression.

"There must be something." She said.

He sighed again. "There is." He looked at Gideon. "If Cassandra uses the Homecoming Spell. But I doubt she knows spells-"

Gideon face brightened up. "You're wrong. She knows the spell." He nodded, enthusiastically.

"What is that spell?" I asked him.

"It's a magic spell that allows the user to send a message in form of ancient symbols to anyone he or she wants and then, the one who receives the message will be able to bring her to him." Calliope explained. "I used it once and Leon brought me back."

"Cassandra will be back?" I whispered, feeling happily overwhelmed.

"Yes." She nodded, smiling brightly at me.

"Tell me, how does Cassandra know the spell?" Leon frowned at Gideon.

"I taught her." Gideon nodded. "I thought we would need it somehow."

"That's great!" Calliope grinned. "I really like you. You're so smart!"

Gideon chuckled, blushing slightly.

Leon looked at her and laughed before looking at me. "We just need her to activate it. Let's hope for it to happen soon."

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