006 | Breaking

161 10 4

j i s o o

The doorbell rung.

I looked at the time and it's already past 10 pm. With a skeptical look, I went out of my room. I looked around and it seems like Chaeyoung didn't hear it. The doorbell rung once again and I carefully went to the front door area. I tool a peek from the window to see who it was and I was even more confused.

"What is he doing at this hour?" I grumbled and opened the door.

A handsome youngman with distinctive features was in front of me. He looked up at me and smiled. "Hi Jichu!"

I politely smiled. "Hello, Taehyung, what brings you here?"

Taehyung is Jungkook's best friend. Well, that is what Kookie said but somehow I cannot get comfortable around him. I don't know. My mind and body often automatically went polite when I am meeting with him. He seemed like a superior to me but in reality and in any way he was not, okay?

That sucks since he is also Chaeyoung's boyfriend. If they got married, I would see him a lot of times for Chaeyoung basically proclaim that she won't leave me alone for the rest of my time. So exasperating. What to do?

"Is Rosé here?" He asked, tilting his head to looked inside.

My brows furrowed. Did I mention that he was weirder than me? He always called Chaeng her nickname, Rosé or Rose. Chaeyoung only let people call her Rosé when she was in business. However, her friends and loved ones call her Chaeyoung or Chae.

And since I am a queen, I call her Chaeng. She loves it.

Anyway, he won't stop scanning our living room. Might as well let him inside.

"Of course. Wanna come in?" I asked and he nodded. I opened the door wider and gestured him to sit down. "Please sit down if you please. Does she know that you're coming?"

"Don't be so formal to me Jichu. I am a friend," he smiled at me as he sat down on the living room's sofa. That statement made me more uncomfortable somehow. I can feel shivers all around me. "And no, it's actually a sudden visit. A surprise." He brushed his hair back and winked. I internally rolled my eyes.

He is also unpredictable. Maybe I see him as a rival. That is why I do not like him around. I am supposed to be the only weird person in this house!

"Well, feel at home. I'm gonna fetch her for you." I politely smiled and went to Chaeng's room before he could reply.

Seriously, his aura makes me squirm. There is sonething wrong. I can feel it. But what? Shaking that feeling off, I knocked on Chaeyoung's door.

"Chaeng?" I called out and a minute or so, she opened her door. She welcomed me with a questioning smile. "Taehyung's on the living room."

Her smile dropped and her eyes widened. She fell silent for a moment and I just stared at her. She creased her brows and slowly frowned. And there we have it! Something's definitely wrong.

"Impossible." She breathed out after a seemingly long silence.

"Why? Did you kill him and it turns out he escaped your attempted murder?"

She gave me a confused look. "What? No!"

"Then, you-- Nah, you are not the type to cheat." I narrowed my eyes. "Or did you?" Chaeng looked at me like she was about to burn me or something. I might be the one to be murdered. "Then what is it, Chaeng?"

She looked directly to my eyes, holding my hands. "Tell me Unnie. Is he drunk?"

Let's see. He did not smell like alcohol. He might be weird but he was still talking straight. He was walking straight too. So the verdict, "nope."

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