008 | Almost a Jerk

116 8 17

j i s o o

After putting the books on the right shelves, the office was messy. Box, papers, chairs, pens, and other things that should not have been there are freaking everywhere.

I bit my lip and scrunched my nose. This is going to be a long day...

Trash here.

Boxes over there.

Arrange the chairs.

Take the freaking papers. Why are there a lot of papers here? For goodness sake! Few of them are records! Oh, nevermind. They're drafts.

But still! Did a storm come by here?

Next sweeping.

Then mopping.

And you know what? I'm in the mood. Let's decorate! And I need flowers.

On to the flower shop!

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I entered a flower shop near the office. The smell of the flowers soothed me. It feels like I am in a real garden, walking peacefully. I looked around and saw a different kinds and colors of flowers. They are neatly placed respectively on their places. So beautiful, so relaxing.

"Good day, ma'am. How may I help you?"

A young man emerged from the back of the flowers. His smile was contagious making me smile too. He has kind eyes and lovely face. He was taller than me but he looked so adorable in his green apron.

"Hi!" I greeted him. I glanced at his name tag and it said, Chanwoo. "Uhm, what flowers do you recommend--"

"Chanwoo-yah! Here to pick up orders! Are they ready?" A somewhat irritating but familiar voice boomed as the door opened.

Another sentence interrupted. I breathed deeply and slowly turned around. Woah. The arrogant but helpful supermarket man. He was waving to Chanwoo happily. He looks carefree when smiling but nevermind. He just smirked when he saw me.

"The beautiful lady from yesterday! You're here." He said cheerfully but at the same time with mischief. His eyes glinted with excitement.

"Unfortunately." I whispered, plastering a somewhat forced smile.

He rose a brow and was about to speak but Chanwoo beat him to it. "Yuta-ssi, the succulents are already here but I gotta go fetch the orchids at the back." Chanwoo glanced at Jisoo apologetically. "Sorry for the inconvenience, miss. His orders are already here. If you would like, please look around."

I smiled and gestured, no worries. Chanwoo bowed then went to get the orchids. I sighed but couldn't help it. I decided to look around. There's a lot of flowers here but what could fit a library office?

"Sunflowers suit you."

"Pardon?" I turned toward the voice. If I heard it correctly, his name is Yuta?

"You seemed to be a happy go lucky girl but not in the bad way!" He scratched his head and cleared his throat. "So I thought sunflowers suit you."

I tilted my head. He looks cute when rambling. He looked away from me and cleared his throat again.

"Is that so? Thank you." I offered him a smile and this time, it's genuine. "However, it's not for me."

"Hm?" He turned to me confused.

"I'm just here to buy flowers for the office. The library needs some greens and some colors, I guess." I shrugged.

"Oh, well you--"

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