003 | Babies

389 31 6

j i s o o

"Kiss and make, ki-kiss and make up~ Hmmm. Mmm." I hummed as I arranged the books in the shelves. I do believe that books could make muscles because most of them are sooo heavy! Especially when they stack. But I don't love them any less.

Thin or thick, tall or short, big or small, one by one I carefully organized the books in one of the shelves.

"Excuse me?"

I got startled and had let go of the book that I was putting in the shelf. My eyes widened because the book is so, so thick! It fell towards my feet but gladly I have reflexes of a cat and I have jumped away.

"Yes?!" I squeaked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." The voice which I presume to be a guy said.

Calming down, I turned to the guy and oh boy. Oh boy. This one is handsome. Super handsome and so young. My heart almost beated triple fast if my brain didn't say that my Kook is much, much more handsome.

Yeah, I know but you can't deny the handsome features of this boy. So stop brain. Imma fangirl.

"Ahh, no harm done." I sweetly smiled to the innocent handsome boy. I looked around and my gaze fell upon the thick book that has fallen. I was about to grab it but the handsome boy beat me to it. He gave me to it mumbling a sorry.

Oooh, he's cute too.

He scratched his neck and smiled sheepishly. "Uhm, by the way, I can't find the Shakespearean books here. I-I... Y-You're the one I have seen since you're the one near but I guess I kinda screwed up a bit. I'm so sorry for startling you. I really am. I promise that I'm not usually look like this or act like this. Promise. I'm new in the area so I don't know what--"

I held my hands up. "Eep! That's enough explanation!" I interrupted, crossing my arms.

"Already got your point, baby boy." I slightly laughed at his blushing face. "Anyway, you can't see one because the babies are all still with me." I said pointing to the books in the box, in the shelves and in tge floor.

"They need cleaning, dusting off the unwanted things, changing covers and tender loving care. That's why I gave them a day off." I grinned at him feeling proud of what I've done.

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me in confusion. "Uhm, huh?"

My smile fell and rolled my eyes. Didn't even appreciate my effort. Tsk. "Nevermind, boy."

"Please stop calling me boy. I'm already twenty!" He groaned. I raised a brow and smiled.

"Oh, I'm sorry, boy." I said my smile turning to a grin.

He pouted and cross his arms. I quietly laughed at his childish antics. Still a boy, yep!

"Anyway, these babies won't be available until tomorrow. You might want to come back... Or not. Depends." I shrugged and was about to get back to what I'm doing.

"I don't mind but promise me you're the one's going to help me." He uttered so straight forward I immediately turned to him.

I smirked. "Boy, you don't even know me. Oh well, you like books. Anyone who likes books will be worthy of my help." I laughed at him and I could see him sigh in relief.

"I'm Jisoo by the way." I said stretching my arms.

He took my hand with an enthusiastic smile. "Mark Lee."

| > ~ > • <  ~< |

I was about to sleep when my phone rang. I grabbed it from the bedside tabke and looked at the caller's name. Mom?

"Hey sweetie! I'm sorry I only called just now." She started. "I just want to say that I have cleaned your old room and found some things you might want to check out. The packages will be delivered tomorrow morning."

I raised my brows, getting interested. "Oooh, that's so cool! Thanks for cleaning it, Mom! Love you!"

"Anything for my sweetie."

"What kind of things tho?"

"If I remember right, there are a lot of small boxes." She paused for a while then gasped. "Oh and sweetie I found the love letters sent by your boyfriend when you were in college."

Now, this is interesting.

I widened my eyes but I can't contain my smile. "Oh yes please!"

"Excited, aren't ya? You'll get hold of them once again. I'm so jealous of youth. Awww! Your boyfriend really loves you."

I rolled my eyes and made a face. "Moooom." I whined.

"Love you sweetie! Sleep tight and goodnight!" She hanged up afterwards.

I sat up and hugged my pillow. I'm so excited! I can't wait to read the love letters again. I placed my cheeks on the palm of my hands and I can feel I'm blushing.

Kook seemed to be not the type of guy to write love letters but he did when we're college. He's so sweet and I so love him for that!

Tomorrow is gonne be a great day!

Come to think of it! Love letters aren't the only thing to look forward for. There's that baby boy Mark. He's also book addict like me! Can't wait to make friends with him!

I fell back on to my bed and hugged my pillow tightly. I closed my eyes and smiled contently.

Tomorrow will be indeed a great day!

| > ~ > • <  ~< |

April | 22 | 2020

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