011 | Going Out

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"Remember the plan. Execute it at the dead of night." A man sitting in a chair instructed. He was pointing his pen on the map laid out on the table as he was leaning. His eyes were dark and strict. His aura spoke power and his lips, scowling. He glanced up to the two gentlemen in front of him. "You must not fail."

The two gentlemen nodded, understanding the risks and rewards of the mission. One was incredibly dark and one was painfully scary. The two reflect the man well. However, they have no power over him.

A-Reum was never the same since the encounter years before. He has always been scary but he's much deadlier now. He was planning everything in advance, with discretion and aggressiveness. He won't stay still until he gets his revenge. His revenge for his fallen comrades. He was becoming thirstier for it and revenge was probably, continually and slowly consumed him. He may look calm outside but he cannot wait to bring them down.

Bring down the Rose Group, the root of it all and Neo Power, the so-called neutral group. The neutral group who allied with Rose, who decided to protect them, and who decided to go against Bangtan. Neo Power wouldn't even suffer if they just formed an alliance with Bangtan. Neo Power claimed that they were built for love to protect that love, but they will be destroyed because of that same love.

A-Reum isn't afraid to use their strength to destroy them. He wouldn't back down, not now that he has the upper hand, and the resources to execute his plans. He already killed the founders of that trash Rose Group and he also almost wiped Neo Power out. There's nothing and no one can stop him now.

It's time to end it all with red all over them.

It's time to get what is originally his.

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"Is this the hotel?" V asked his comrade as they casually walk around in late afternoon.

Jungkook glanced around, humming an affirmation. He already identified the target building they would be bombing and destroying in a week. Before executing the plan, the two of them only need to know the schedule and respective places of the "esteemed" people they are going to eliminate. They only have a week to execute what A-Reum had instructed them.

These "esteemed" people were part of the underworld. Actually, they were once A-Reum's trusted partners not until he found out that they were secretly informants of Rose Group. Say Rose Group in front of A-Reum and he will go ballistic. That is why V and Jungkook are on a mission right now, for both of them to eliminate these people for the satisfaction of A-Rum. That is why they were in Bangtan, their main purpose: killing for A-Reum, bombing places for A-Reum, eliminating obstacles for A-Reum, anything for A-Reum. 

Jungkook and V don't mind it as they were raised and recruited by A-Reum. However, they are slowly dying inside. Two of their comrades were dead, one is isolated in A-Reum's facility and one is in a long-time coma. They may be slowly dying inside but the guilt they bear added on their purpose. They only not needed to do these for A-Reum but also to the fallen comrades.

That's insane. Only their Rose and Sun can inspire them. However, work and comrades come first. 

"I'm going to the bar to watch 'them'." V said as he glanced a bored look at Jungkook.

Jungkook nodded, probably bored too. "I'll set up the place."

The two of them entered the hotel and went to their separate ways. The hotel is moderately big but as luxurious as the biggest ones. Too bad, this hotel will be a victim of "accidental fire". Once Jungkook set up the place, and once V knew the people's information, this hotel will be no more.

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Being a third wheel is awkward.

But what's more awkward? The fact that your best friend did not tell that she's dating her first love again.

"Unnie, we're not together." Chaeyoung rolled her eyes for the nth time.

Jisoo raised a brow and crossed her arms. She leaned on the sofa in their living room, staring seriously and giving 'don't believe you at all' look at Chaeyoung. "Yeah, right. So why are you going out of town? TOGETHER?"

Chaeyoung, who was sitting at the end of the sofa, blushed crimson red. She just did not expect that Jaehyun will agree to her when she blurted out, asking him to go on a vacation out of town. However, that's not the case anymore. "That was before he got an urgent business, Unnie."

Jisoo gasped dramatically. "Wait, I have become a third wheel to a substitute in a span of a minute? How could you? I thought we're friends, Chae." Jisoo put her hands on her chest, glaring dramatically at Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung pouted for a while but laughed out loud to Jisoo's antics. "No, Unnie—ghad!"

"Stop laughing at me, Park Chaeyoung." Jisoo frowned but smiled at the end.

The thing is Chaeyoung was asking Jisoo to accompany her to a 3-day vacation out of town. There are new hotel and attraction built on that town. Chaeyoung wanted to visit it so that she could see if the new attraction was appropriate for her music students. The said attraction was music-themed and it just makes Chaeyoung's heart pound in excitement. Originally, Chaeyoung was going with Jaehyun and invite Jisoo as additional companion but Jaehyun received an urgent call regarding his work so Chaeyoung was asking Jisoo about that right now.

"So let's go Unnie?" Chaeyoung pleaded with her beautiful and sad pout, added with her cute puppy eyes.

Jisoo rolled her eyes once again. "I'm busy."

"Jeez, Unnie, the library is closed for the upcoming holiday and your boyfriend is not here. What are you even busying for?" This time, it's Chaeyoung's turn to roll her eyes.

Jisoo winked at Chaeyoung. "I'm going to be busy playing games and lazing around."

Chaeyoung groaned at the reasonable but not really excuse. "Nooooooo, go with me. This is only done once in a lifetime. Now, come on." Chaeyoung smiled. "Pwetty pwease?"

Jisoo narrowed her eyes but eventually grinned. "Fiiiiiiiine, I'll pack my things." Jisoo said as she stood up.

Once she heard it, Chaeyoung immediately jumped in joy and hugged her Unnie. "Thank you, Unnie! I'll buy you a lot of ice cream! Yaaah!"

And both of them jumped in joy while hugging then jumped again while holding hands. There are big smiles on their faces, showing an uncontrollable excitement.

Who knew that their excitement will turn into... terror?

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Published on May 28, 2022

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