007 | Let It Begin

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Taehyung slammed another glass on the table, gritting his teeth. He then grabbed the bottle of alcohol to pour and to drink. He was sitting on a stool in the dining room, excreting aura of gloom and danger. His eyes threw daggers in everything his eyes laid upon. As he remembered the voice of Rosé, his Rose breaking up with him, telling him that they're over, he growled and his knuckles tightened around the bottle and glass.

"Yo, the hell happened to you?" A manly voice boomed as the door opened and closed.

Taehyung didn't even flinch but chugged another glass of alcohol. He then leaned on the table in front. "Get out, Kook."

Jungkook only grimaced at the state of his friend. He grabbed a bottle of gin and pour himself a glass. He sat down beside the slumped and heartbroken mess in the form of Taehyung.

"Rosé broke up with you?" He took a sip of his gin. "Again?"

"Again and again. No matter how I begged." Taehyung murmured.

Jungkook nodded, shaking the glass lightly as he leaned back on the table. "Beg? Just threaten her parents, all will do well."

"I did."

Jungkook raised a brow. "Then why is she still like this?"

"Somehow it didn't work. Should I kill them?"

Jungkook tapped his foot. If it was like before, he won't hesitate but now... Something is stopping him. He cannot just eliminate anyone or threaten anyone. He cannot do freely the things that has to be done in the night. And he also knows that is what Taehyung felt too. There is now a hesitation.

"Why not?"

"You're right. Why not?" 

The two fell into silence but it broke when Jungkook laughed out loud. Taehyung winced at the sound and glared at his friend.

"What's up with you? Where is the dangerous V of underworld? It's just a girl. You want it? Grab it." Jungkook taunted Taehyung. A malicious smirk appeared on his face as he looked at Taehyung.

Taehyung was taken back but laughed. His messy aura turned into a dangerous one, returning the taunt. "Just a girl huh?"

Jungkook grinned. "Just look at me and Jisoo going strong."

Taehyung only stared at him. Jungkook got confused at his sudden change of behavior. He's weird, yes, but something is up.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that, Kook. Jisoo is too pure for you. It won't be impossible if fate make him comeback."

Jungkook glared at Taehyung who just shrugged. The dangerous aura doubled. One for seeking wants and one for securing wants.

| > ~ > • <  ~ < |

An empty fridge that made Jisoo get up from her lovely bed. It seems like Chaeyoung was so busy that she forgot to buy groceries online. Chaeyoung always insisted that she would do the grocery shopping and let Jisoo focused on her job. However, that was not the case now. Chaeyoung was busy getting the papers done since the agreement regarding her wedding with V was already nulled.

Ugh, papers. No wonder Chaeyoung looked a little stress.

Anyhow, Jisoo only shrugged. More time to get out then and to sightsee. She hopes that Chaeyoung will soon finish her business so that they can hang out together.


Condiments, check. Milk, check. Bread, check. Drinks, frozen food, ramen, check. Even their hygienic materials are checked.

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